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Anarwen's Quest

Location: A short ways north from Caras Galadhon.

Quest: Find Anarwen the priestess resting northeast in the zone in the garden.

Examine tree to see if the quest loads, if it says “The mallorn-trees seem to be afflicted by some disease” then the quest loads, if it says, “The twin mellyrn stand proudly on the sides of the entrance to the arbour” then no quest. It is also possible to examine “flowers” to see if they are fading or not.

(Walking in and out sometimes helps to trigger the quest.) She will talk to you and if you agree some exit down opens (no echo). Kill the cloud of mist 2 down, and Anarwen will be happy.

Reward: 3 gold, Ginseng root, 1-3 athelas leaves, ? exp.

No xps for completing the quest, but about 10k for killing the mob (cloud of mist)-Titanius