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Elven Scout Camp Quest

Location: From the ford in the river near Brolg's tower (A Shallow and Marshy Part of the River is the room name; it is east of Brolg), go 3 south, 2 east, south, call, down.

Level requirement:

Quest: If one of the scouts smiles at you when you enter the camp, you have triggered the quest. Listen to him as he begins talking. First he will ask you if you are heading to Rivendell - nod or say yes. Next, he will ask you if you are willing to deliver a letter to Elrond. Again, nod or say yes. He will give you the letter. If you do not have a mount, he will ask you if you want a fresh horse - if you nod or say yes, he will bring you a trained horse. Take the letter to Elrond, who will give you 2 to 5 gold and possibly a flask of miruvor.

As a sidenote, you will still get the same reward from Elrond for the letter if you got it off the corpse of one of the elven scouts, without them having officially given you the quest. (So if you find the elven camp dead, but letter unlooted, you can still take it to Elrond).

For orcs: kill the scouts, loot the letter and give it to the Great Goblin, he will reward you with experience, coins?, and rarely an orkish draught.

Reward: 2 to 5 gold, a trained horse, a flask of miruvor (rare).