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Description: One who chooses to walk between the towns of Eriador is greatly aided by this draught. It adds endurance to the muscles and speeds the legs, for the small cost of some loss in concentration and adress.

To prepare this brew mix a handful of tonifiant juniper berries with some clover as a base. Add a few crushed leaves of marjoram and freshly bought cloves, to clean the blood of its toxines and stop cramps.

How to obtain: Complete the Aldereon's Quest given by Aldereon the ancient Noldo northwest of Greenholm.

Ingredients: Clover, Juniper, Marjoram and Cloves.

Product: (outdated) Bowl of brew (10/100) - lasts 12 ticks.

Effects: Movement point regeneration +10 and willpower -3 for 24 hours. After that, movement point regeneration +5 and willpower -1 for 120 hours. After that, movement point regeneration +3 and willpower -1 for 24 hours.

Remark: (outdated) Walking and Travelling lores are incompatible: The brew you quaffed first will affect you for the mume week, and other brews won't affect you during this time (including brews of the same type - you can't refresh it when it gets weaker, just need to wait until it wears off).
#>exa kit A herbal kit contains a pinch of pale-green, crushed leaves, a handful of clover, several cloves, and a cluster of hard, round, black berries. #»mix kit You have finished mixing the contents of a herbal kit. You produced a bowl of brew.