Table of Contents


Location: max southern Dunland (see maps).

Strategy: Main problem here is that there is like 20 high level mobs in like 20 rooms, and also gatekeeper and Broghha himself calls all captains with their soldiers if got attacked. They all (except shopkeepers and one thief) are outdoors, so mages with call will ROCK here.

First get up clouds, restore armour/shield spells and rest full. Warrior must go maxdefence/maxabsorb. Mages follow (dunlendings do not switch tagrets), enter and nuke (The Gatekeeper). Call on him, flee and rest - otherwise 3 Captains and their 6 soldiers will arrive, and escape will be hard. Then just take out patrols one by one (they do not call each other). Do not kill mobs that are indoors (except thief (skulks)) - they all are good-aligned.

After 3 patrols will be dead, go to 'Remnants of Paving', west of this room ('A Large Open-Air Tent') exists Broghha himself, 5 his guards and one more captain patrol which always follow Broghha. These 9 are piece for cake for quaker, but if he fails like 3-5 flees… So for solo only possible solution is wear full thick metal to quake here. For group strategy here is: in, buffer hits, mages get in ONE call and go out (5e), then buffer flees (quite important for buffer to know zone well - because Broghha tracks). Repeat until Broghha dies, after that soldiers will have no one to follow - just kill them one by one (2 calls needed for each).

Level: legend mage with quake and in thick metal (slow); legend metal buffer + 2 legend mages with call.

Loads: steel-tipped spear, small silver pendant, some diary (for Amanrandil quest (see quests) to get sacred cloak/dagger); faintly glowing stone on the animist (one of guards).

Mobs unique to the zone: