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PURSUE If you find a track using the command TRACK <target>, you have the option to follow these tracks with the command PURSUE. PURSUE will cause you to follow the track in whichever direction it leads. This is a faster and more convenient way to follow a track over long distances.

track27 Fornost20 + 3.75*PER + 2.5*INT
Tracking will now be less tiring for those with a good knowledge of both wilderness and awareness

Hotkeys / Alias


You carefully examine the ground around you, looking for tracks…
Aha, you have found your victim!
You stop tracking your victim.

You see some tracks of *an Orc* leading north
 (done less than 1 hour ago).

#When found#
kill *orc*order followers assistorder followers bashYou slash
bash dise orc
c quick 'colour spray' *orc*
You start to concentrate...
You begin to move silently to the back of your victim…
