#alias saa { sell all.leather; sell all.chain; sell all.metal; sell all.shield; } #alias saw { sell all.cweapon; sell all.clweapon; sell all.pweapon; sell all.sweapon; sell all.stweapon; sell all.tweapon; } #alias sac { sell all.pants; sell all.sleeves; sell all.shirt; sell all.hood; } #alias sap { sell all.flowers; sell all.leaves; sell all.plant; sell all.root; } #alias sall {saa;saw;sac;sap} #alias {craw} {get pan backpack; get salt backpack; cook raw} #action {You have finished cooking} {put meat backpack;cook raw} #action {You don't have the raw.} {put pan backpack; put salt backpack} #alias boots {remove boots;get boots backpack;wear boots;put boots backpack} #alias shoes {remove boots;get snowshoes backpack;wear snowshoes;put boots backpack} #alias {lbow} {#echo {Switching to LONGBOW.};remove case;put case backpack;get bow backpack;get quiver backpack;wear quiver;draw longbow;put bow backpack} #alias {sbow} {#echo {Switching to SHORTBOW.};remove case;put case backpack;get bow backpack;get quiver backpack;wear quiver;draw shortbow;put bow backpack} #alias {xbow} {#echo {Switching to CROSSBOW.};remove quiver;put quiver backpack;get crossbow backpack;get case backpack;wear case;draw crossbow;put bow backpack} #alias {smok} {get pipe pack;sheath;wield pipe;rest;smoke pipe;stand;remove pipe;put pipe pack;draw} #alias {oxc} {open chest;examine chest} #alias hp {#tick hp {info HP: %z/%Z, Mana: %e/%E, Moves: %j/%J} 10} #alias unhp {#untick hp} #alias gg {#gag {^$}} #alias ugg {#ungag {^$}} #alias idle {#ticker idle {prac} 60} #alias unidle {#unticker idle}