#action {^%w {picks up|grabs on to|dismounts from} a {pony|dales-pony|horse|warhorse|pack horse|trained horse|horse of the Rohirrim|brown donkey|mountain mule|hungry warg|brown wolf}{( \(\w\))?}{\'s (reins|fur) and starts|\, and stops} riding {him|her|it}.$} { #if {("%1" == "$leader") && ("$auto_ride" == "on")} { #if {"%2" == "dismounts from"} {#send {lead}}; #else {#send {ride}} } } #action {^%w reaches up and tries to climb the ladder.$} { #if {("%1" == "$leader") && ("$auto_ride" == "on")} { #send {climb latter} } } #action {^ZBLAM! A {pony|dales-pony|horse|warhorse|pack horse|trained horse|horse of the Rohirrim|brown donkey|mountain mule|hungry warg|brown wolf} {(\((\w+)\) )?}doesn't want you riding {him|her|it} anymore.$} { #if {"$auto_ride" == "on"} { #send {stand}; #if {"%4" != ""} {#send {lead %4\nride %4}}; #else { #var {tmp} {%1}; #replace {tmp} { } {;}; #list {words} {create} {$tmp}; #unvar {tmp}; #if {("$words[-1]" == "Rohirrim") || ("$words[-1]" == "donkey") || ("$words[-1]" == "mule")} {#send {lead $words[-1]\nride $words[-1]}}; #else {#send {lead $words[1]\nride $words[1]}}; #unvar {words} } } } #action {^%w panics, and attempts to flee.$} { #if {"%1" == "$leader"} {#bell} } #action {^{\w+ transfers group leadership to you\.|You leave the group\.|Group disbanded\.|What group\?\!|You are no longer a member of the group\!|You can\'t group with yourself\.}$} {#var {leader} {none}} #action {^%w disbands {his|her} group.$} { #if {"%1" == "$leader"} {#var {leader} {none}} } #action {^You are now a member of %w's group.$} {#var {leader} {%1}} #action {^You transfer group leadership to %w.$} {#var {leader} {%1}} #action {^ %w (Head of group)$} {#var {leader} {%1}} #action {^%w {(\(\w+\) )?}raises {his|her} {hand|paw}.$} { #if {"$auto_group" == "on"} {#send {group %1}} } #action {^%w {(\(\w+\) )?}is {a group leader\!|in another group already\.}$} { #if {"$auto_group" == "on"} {#send {tell %1 You are in another group already. If you wish to join, please 'group self' and 'raise' again.}} } #alias {lp} {#send {protect $leader}} #alias {lw} {#send {whois $leader}} #alias {lr} {#send {rescue $leader}} #alias {lf} {#send {follow $leader}} #alias {lt} {#send {tell $leader %0}} #alias {fs} {#send {follow self}} #alias {leader} { #if {"%1" == "clear"} { #var {leader} {none}; #echo {Leader cleared} }; #elseif {"%1" != ""} { #var {leader} {%1}; #echo {Leader set to $leader} }; #else { #if {"$leader" == "none"} {#echo Leader undefined}; #else {#echo Your leader is $leader} } } #alias {autoride} { #if {("%1" == "on") || ("%1" == "off")} {#var {auto_ride} {%1}}; #elseif {"$auto_ride" == "off"} {#var {auto_ride} {on}}; #else {#var {auto_ride} {off}}; #echo {Auto Ride $auto_ride} } #alias {autogroup} { #if {("%1" == "on") || ("%1" == "off")} {#var {auto_group} {%1}}; #elseif {"$auto_group" == "off"} {#var {auto_group} {on}}; #else {#var {auto_group} {off}}; #echo {Auto Group $auto_group} } #var {auto_group} {off} #var {auto_ride} {on} #var {leader} {none}