#action {входная строка} {действия} {приоритет}
This command allows you to program an action (or several) that must be performed when entering any text from the MUD. Such macro commands are called triggers. Individual words in the input string can be replaced with variables %0-%9
, which can then be used in the “action” key.
All triggers are saved in a single list. Any string coming from the game is checked for compliance with the conditions of the trigger. If it matches several at once, the triggers are executed in order according to the set priority. That is, if you want to specify which trigger is more important, assign a higher execution priority to it. The highest priority is “0”, the lowest is “9”.
If the input line starts with a character ^
, the line received from the game will be considered as corresponding to the trigger only if a match occurs from the very beginning of the line.
If the command is #action
given without any arguments, a full list of the specified triggers will be displayed.
If the command is #action
given with only one argument, a list of all the triggers will be displayed, the input line of which contains the given word or combination of words. A valid character is allowed *
. See examples.
#action {You are hungry.} {eat bread} {2}
When a game says you are hungry, you will automatically eat bread.
#action {^%0 arrived from the %1} {kill %0} {0}
When someone enters the location where you are, you will automatically attack him.
#action {^Nice white fountain is here} {drink water from fountain} {5}
If a line comes from the game, starting with the words “Nice white fountain is here”, you will automatically drink water from the fountain. This way, the unfair behavior of other players, who may, for example, tell you such a phrase near a poisonous source, will be warned - in this case, the line “NAME tell you: Nice white fountain is here” will arrive and the trigger will not work.
Output of all given triggers:
{The momentum of your kick}={sta} @ {5} {You try to bash}={sta} @ {5} {are hungry}={get $food $chest;eat $food} @ {5} {are thirsty}={drink water} @ {5} {crashes into you}={sta} @ {5} {disarms your weapon}={get axe} @ {5}
#action *you*
Output all the triggers containing the word “you” in the input line:
{The momentum of your kick}={sta} @ {5} {You try to bash}={sta} @ {5} {crashes into you}={sta} @ {5} {disarms your weapon}={get axe} @ {5}
You can temporarily disable execution of triggers with the #ignore command. Repeated return of this command will enable the trigger again.
You can enable the display of commands executed in the trigger with the command #echo. Repeated returns #echo turns off the display.
To remove triggers use the #unaction command.
See also: #unaction , #ignore , #multiaction
The macro (alias) allows you to specify a new command, making it from a sequence of simpler ones. When issuing a command with the name of an existing alias, JMC will replace it with the sequence of commands specified in this alias. In commands, special variables can be used:% 0 …% 9, intended to indirectly indicate the words of the line to which the alias is applied. The variable% 0 denotes the last words in a command using an alias, the variables% 1-% 9 contain the words of the string.
#alias {k} {kill %1}
Every time you issue a command k ИМЯ
, a string will be sent to the game server kill ИМЯ
. Those. k dragon
will be replaced by kill dragon
#alias putex {put %1 into %2; #showme {done: %0}}
Now you can give a command like putex bread chest
. In this case, the game server will send a string put bread into chest
and you will be answered with a string done: bread chest
. In this example, the variable %0
contains bread chest
, %1
contains bread
and %2
contains chest
If the second parameter of the alias is missing, JMC will show you all the aliases whose name matches the specified one.
Examples: #alias k
JMC will show alias information with the name “k”.
#alias *get*
JMC will display information about all aliases whose name contains a combination of the letters “get”.
If the command is #alias
given without any parameters at all, JMC will display information about all specified aliases.
See also: #unalias
#antisubstitute {участок строки}
Description: This command prevents the #substitute and #gag commands from affecting lines containing a specified region.
#gag {^%0 пришел с %1}
Now you will not receive information when someone comes to your location.
#antisubstitute {Стражник пришел с %1}
Now you will receive information only when the guard enters your location. All other monsters / characters are still subject to the command #gag
See also: #substitute , #gag
#autoreconnect [on|off]
Enables - disables automatic reconnect. You can use #action .
Description: Reproduces the sound set in Windows by default.
If it is not specified or your computer does not have a sound card, then a PC speaker will be enabled.
See also: #flash
See #loop
#char {СИМВОЛ}
This command is intended to specify a character from which all JMC commands must begin. You can do the same from the “Options” dialog. The default is the symbol #
#char {/}
Changes the command character to /
Sends PostMessage(hwnd, WM_USER+600)
Sooner or later - but we will solve, what is happening here
#colon {leave|replace}
When replace
counts, when parsing, unshielded semicolon ;
as command delimiter
#comment <текст>
## <текст>
#nope <текст>
This command does nothing. Used to write comments in macro files.
Alas, but when you first write to the file with JMC, all teams #nope
will be mercilessly wiped, so it makes sense to provide comments to the file only if you are convinced that you do not need to write to this file during the game.
Sets the comment character. All commands starting with such a character or with ##
will be ignored.
#comment алиасы для использования в бою. ## алиасы для использования в бою. #nope алиасы для использования в бою.
#connect <адрес MUD'а> <номер порта>
The command is used to establish a connection with the game server.
If you are already connected somewhere, the message “Close current connection first” will appear (Close the current connection first). The current connection status is shown in the JMC status bar.
See also: #zap , #autoreconnect
Sends a line feed code to the server. This is useful for creating aliases that require intermediate input when executing. Works like the “ENTER” key.
#daa <message>
Synonyms #whisper
The command to send text to the MUD without displaying on the screen and writing to the log, regardless of the settings.
#daa <message>
- sends a message to the mud; shows (if allowed) and writes to the log (if enabled) a string equal in length but containing only ***
It may be necessary, for example, when you do not want your character password to get into the logs and on the screen.
#alias {_mall} {mall;#daa TRU_SOTANEC_PAROL;#var charname mall;#read mall.vars;#group enable mall}
Documentation may not be accurate.
Used in triggers. #Action - “throws out” the incoming line on which the trigger worked, without displaying it on the screen and not writing to the log.
Very similar to #gag , only allows you to additionally perform some actions in the trigger
Description: Turns on / off the display of commands originating from triggers. If the ECHO mode is turned off (off), commands originating from the triggers will not be played on the screen.
See also: #message
See: #spit
The command that sets the focus on the toad window if the user at that time was working with another window.
It may be necessary in some important cases (low health, private messages, etc.).
For example,
#act {^Солнечный свет наполнЯет все ваше тело болью!} {#play allods troll burnin.wav;#flash}
See also: #bell
#gag {участок строки}
Description: This command prevents any line from the MUD server containing the specified text from being displayed. In fact, it is a simplified version of the #substitute command , where the second argument is an empty string.
Example: #gag {is arrived}
Any line of text originating from the MUD server containing the “is arrived” area will not be shown to you.
See also: #substitute , #ungag
#grab [num] {filename} [format]
#grab [num] <char> [format]
Pulls the string number num
out filename
and replaces it %0
with format
. The result is sent to the mud.
If this num
is not the case, it is not a line. else it is 1.
#group {list|delete|disable|enable|info|global|local} [имя_группы]
Manages teams of teams.
It is convenient to use, breaking triggers, hot keys into groups and enable / disable groups depending on the environment - PC / non-PK, magician / warrior, battle mode / rest …
#help <command>
Displays inline help for the command command
. Help files are stored in a
See: #daa
Minimizes the JMC window to the taskbar (regardless of the checkbox in the “Minimize to system tray” settings)
See #tray , #restorewindow
#highlight {цвет} {строка}
Description: All lines originating from the MUD containing the specified area will be highlighted in the specified color.
If you want to highlight the line containing the specified area, completely - use variables %0-%9
to specify the changing words of the line.
The parameter цвет
can be the following:
- reverse, bold, blink, faint, italic, or a number from 1 to 8 (corresponds to the colors of the main palette).
You can also directly use the name of the color or effect or a combination of them. For example, you can ask {red, bold}
Available names:
red, blue, cyan, green, yellow, magenta, white, gray, black, light blue, light blue, light blue, light blue, light blue green, b yellow, b magenta, b white, b gray, b black, b brown, b charcoal, b light red, b light blue, b light cyan, b light magenta, b light green, bold, faint, blink, italic , reverse
#highlight {light red, italic} {тяжело ранил вас}
When someone seriously injures you, a line with information about it will be shown in bright red color in italics.
#highlight {yellow} {^%0 дал вам %1 монет}
Now lines like “Vasya gave you 1000 coins” will be shown in yellow.
See also: #substitute , #multihightlight
#hotkey {имя клавиши} {команды} {группа}
This command allows you to set a new or override an existing shortcut key. By pressing the specified key (or key combination), the specified commands will be sent to the server as if you gave them directly from the keyboard.
Composite key name syntax:
[shift+][ctrl+][alt+][ИМЯ КЛАВИШИ] [КОМАНДЫ] [ГРУППА]
The key name can be a number, letter, or special name.
Special names:
Backspace keyENTER
Page downHOME
Up arrowDOWN
Arrow to downDEL
Gray /
Gray *
Page upEND
Left arrowRIGHT
Right arrowINS
Gray numbersF1-F12
Function keysExamples:
#hotkey Ctrl+z {#zap} #hotkey {alt+c} { #connect 2700} {hotkey} #hotkey f1 flee #hotkey {ctrl+f5} {спасти $aim}
See #unhotkey
#if {expression} {then} [{else}]
When you use a command #if
, the JMC evaluates the condition and, if its result differs from 0, i.e., the condition is true, the commands defined by the second parameter are executed.
You can only compare strings using the script command:
#action {HP:%0>} {#if { %%0<50 } {recite recall}}
If the number of hit points shown in the character status bar is less than 50, you will read the return scroll. The variable %%0
refers to the command #action
, not the command #if
, so double is needed %
#alias {^%1 посмотрел на тебя} { #script if(“%1”==“$aim”) {jmc.parse(“сказ $aim привет”);} }
If Vasya looks at you, you will say ZZZ.
See also: #math
Turns on / off triggers.
Until this command is returned, all triggers will not be active.
See also: #action
Description: Shows the number of defined triggers, aliases, variables, replacements, anti-alias, and highlights. Also reported on the status of the trigger (on / off).
See also: #message
See: #killall
Synonym: #kickall
This command removes all given aliases, triggers, variables, highlights, replacements, and anti-replacements. Usually used when rebooting installations.
See: #spit
See #loop
#log {имя файла} {append/overwrite}
Starts writing to the specified file all textual information coming from the server (except for ANSI special characters) and text entered by the user.
If the JMC is already working with any file, the current log is closed and the specified one opens.
If this command is given without parameters, the current log will be closed.
If the second parameter is missing, the log will be kept in the default mode (set in the SETTINGS / LOGGING dialog).
In the “append” mode, the JMC adds the text to the end of the existing file when the log starts, and in the overwrite mode, all the text that existed in the file is deleted.
#log castle.log
Start logging in castle.log
#log town.log overwrite
Closes the “castle.log” file and starts recording to the “town.log” file. If such a file exists, it will be pre-cleared.
Stop logging.
See also: #read , #write , #textin , #logadd , #logpass , #wlog
It is used in the list of commands in action'ah, it prohibits saving the processed line in the log file.
See also: #log
#<num>, #loop
Both commands are transferred to the control of a separate cycle, with the possibility of delay being added to each (in deciseconds, 1/10 of a second).
This command repeats the specified sequence of commands the specified number of times.
cycle from 1 to num.
#loop {<from>[,<to>][:<delay>]}
starts executing the specified commands in a loop, keeping the current value of the counter in a variable %0
if the second parameter is specified, then from from
to to
, otherwise from from
to 0.
If delay
not specified, it is considered zero and the cycle does not activate the timer, otherwise a free timer is searched and the cycle is transferred under its control.
In total, 16 timers are allocated for this case (0..15). if the free timer is not found, then the cycle will not work.
Maybe more will be highlighted later. While there is no need, 16 is a lot.
#break {<tID>|all}
Interrupts the loop (s). The second call kills (resets).
#abort {<tID>|all}
Kills (zeroes) cycle (s) immediately.
#resume {<tID>|all}, #pinch [all]
Resumes cycle (s) if it is inactive and operational (there is a first / second boundary, command and delay)
#llist, #tmlist
List of active loops.
#5 {sing}
The team will go to mad sing;sing;sing;sing;sing
- you will sing (sing) 5 songs.
#10 {eat bread;drink water}
You will eat bread and drink water 10 times.
#loop {2,5} {взять все %0.сундук}
You will take all the items from the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th chests.
#map <направление>
This command adds the specified direction to the current save path. This is useful for recording the path when following someone.
#action {Вася ушел на %0.} {#map { %%0}}
If the character Vasya leaves your location, the direction in which he left will be added to the current path.
See also: #mark , #path , #pathdir , #savepath , #return , #unpath
#mark {start/stop}
This command can be used either with one argument or without arguments at all.
If the “start” (or none) parameter is specified, this command resets the current path entry and turns on the “path mode”. In this mode, the JMC automatically saves all movements in a separate buffer.
Movement buffer is reset and path recording mode is activated.
#mark stop
Turns off the recording path.
See also: #map , #path , #pathdir , #savepath , #return , #unpath
#math {переменная} {математическое выражение}
This command calculates the specified mathematical expression and stores its result in the specified variable. Works only with integers.
#action {Perfect: HP:%0} {#math {half} { %0/2}}
Now the variable half
contains a value equal to half of your hit points (the trigger will work until your state is perfect).
#action {HP:%0} { #if { %%0<$half} {flee}}
Run if the number of hit points is less than half.
See also: #if
#message {ТИП}
This command enables / disables the issuance of messages that originate when defining / deleting aliases, variables, replacements, anti-alias, or highlights. Valid values of the argument TYPE: alias, action, substitute, antisubstitute, highlights, variable, uses
This command is useful for preventing screen cluttering and unnecessary spamming. For example, often some kind of triggers are hung on teams of movement. In order not to receive annoying messages about trigger redefinition every time you move, use the command #message
with the appropriate argument.
#message {variable}
You will no longer receive messages like:
#Variable start now set to 1
Turns on / off “multitrigger mode”. When multi-mode is disabled, JMC stops processing the current line after finding the first suitable trigger. When enabled, JMC will check all specified triggers for applying to the current line. If the number of triggers set by you is in the hundreds, it is better to keep this mode turned off using the priorities of triggers to speed up the work.
#alias get_stats { #action{HP:%1} { #var hp %1}; #action {MVS:%1} { #var mvs%1; #multiaction; #unact {HP:%1}; { #unact MVS:%1}}; #multiaction; #cr}
Well, a very complicated alias. Let's figure it out. Initially, there is a task of two triggers.
The first trigger retrieves the number of hit points from the status bar and puts the resulting value into a variable hp
The second one extracts the number of units of cheerfulness (movement points) and puts the resulting value into a variable mvs
It then turns off multitrigger mode and removes both of the specified triggers.
After determining the triggers, the alias sends a line feed code to the server (to get the status bar).
After receiving the status bar, the alias fills the specified variables with the required values, removes the triggers, and turns off the multitrigger mode.
The default mode is OFF.
See also: #action
#multihighlight [on/off]
Enables / disables the mode in which several #hightlight commands are applied to a single line .
Enables / disables the mode in which several #substitute commands will be applied to a single line .
The command in #action allows you to do another iteration of the trigger (in case #multiaction is off)
See #comment
#output [цвет] <текст>
Displays colored text in the main window (with ANSI, similarly to #status or #woutput ).
Shows the current contents of the motion buffer.
Show something like:#Path: n e e e s
See also: #mark , #map , #pathdir , #savepath , #return , #unpath
#pathdir <направление движения> {направление возврата}
To recognize user-issued commands as movement commands, the JMC compiles a list of directions.
When a user gives a move command or uses their combination (speedwalk), the JMC stores them in a path buffer.
The current buffer status can be viewed with the #path command . Also, using the #savepath command , you can save the current buffer as an alias and further use the created alias to move around the game locations.
Default JMC identifies six areas - movement commands: n s e w d u
. If you use non-standard commands (such as North, South, Northwest), you must explicitly specify these commands using the #pathdir command. The first argument of this command contains the direction of movement, the second is the opposite direction. JMC uses this information to execute the #return command .
As a rule, all MUDs use only six directions: n (north), s (south), e (east), w (west), d (down), u (up), and there is no need to worry about new directions.
#pathdir {northwest} {southeast}
Every time you issue the northwest command, this word will be added to the current path buffer (if the path record mode is on).
See also: #mark , #map , #path , #savepath , #return , #unpath
See: #loop
#play <имя файла>
Losing the wav file.
#prefix {string}
command used to add prefix to all strings you will send to MUD. prefix is set BEFORE alias lookup. does not work on TTcommands.
Enables / disables the ability to use substituted strings in triggers.
#sub {^%0 crashes into you %1} {ВАС СБИЛ: %0 !!!}
Now you will receive a line like “YOU GOT UP: Ghost !!!” every time you get knocked down, instead of a standard message.
#act {ВАС СБИЛ} {встать}
If presub is off, this trigger will never be executed. If enabled, you will automatically get up when you are knocked down.
See also: #substitute , #antisubstitute
See: #systemexec
The command #quit
as well as the method Jmc.Quit()
for closing the toad window. Simulates pressing the menu item File ⇒ Exit.
#race format <string>
records the format of the run (eg {run %0|%0}
#race move [<speedwalk>]
sends the format string with replacement %0
to the speedwalk. Saves the speedwalk, if the speedwalk is empty, it takes the last saved one.
#race reverse
takes a saved variable, reverses it, re-saves, starts #race move
#read {имя файла}
This command reads the contents of the specified file and executes it as if all the text received was manually entered on the command line.
#read mage.set
Reads a file mage.set
and sets aliases, triggers, variables, etc., defined in it.
See also: #write
Used to overload scripts directly from the command line. When using JScript - clears the current JS context and reads newly connected scripts using the #use command
Restores the JMC window to the taskbar (WinAPI command)
See #tray , #hidewindow
See #loop
This command sends the direction opposite to the last executed direction to the server, and then removes the last direction from the current path buffer.
enable path recording mode.
Now the last direction in the path buffer is “n”
Send a string to the server s
and delete n
the path from the buffer.
See also: #mark , #map , #pathdir , #savepath , #path , #unpath
#run <командная_строка>
The command to run the application (ShellExecute), as well as the script method Jmc.Run(cmdline[, cmdopts])
Differences from the #systemexec command :
#run example.doc
).Jmc.Run(cmdline[, cmdopts])
#savepath <имя алиаса> {reverse}
Writes the current path buffer to an alias with the given name. This command is useful if you want to use information about the distance traveled in the future.
The key is reverse
used to save the return path - from the current location to the original.
You will see something like:#Path n n n e e s e e s e e n e
#savepath town-castle
Writes the current path buffer to an alias named town-castle
. This alias now contains a set of commands.n ;n ;n ;e ;e ;s ;e ;e ;s ;e ;e ;n ;e
#savepath castle-town reverse
Writes the path backward in the buffer path to an alias with a name castle-town
. That is, the alias castle-town
will contain commandsw ;s ;w ;w ;n ;w ;w ;n ;w ;w ;s ;s ;s
See also: #mark , #map , #pathdir , #path , #return , #unpath
#scriptlet <plainscript>
Interprets plainscript
via selected script engine
#scr if (jmc.getVar('hp') < 50) { jmc.showme('Убегаем!'); jmc.parse('flee'); }
If the variable #var hp
is less than 50 hp, then it displays a message on the screen and sends the command to run.
See also: #use
#showme {текст}
The command will display the specified text on the screen.
#action {^%0 decayed in your hands} {#showme {*** %0 decayed !!!!}}
Now you will receive a message *** sword decayed !!!
if the sword in your hands crumbles to dust.
sos command used to save some variable stuff to custom file.
#sos list
view a list of current templates.
#sos clear
clear the list of current templates.
#sos <group> <name | *>
add a template, group can take values: action, alias, variable, hotkey
#sos mode [exact]
toggle mode. exact matting strings
#sos save <file>
go through valid groups and save to file all objects that match the pattern.
For example, it will #sos hot NUM
save all the hot keys that are triggered by pressing the “calculator” buttons, and will #sos act ^
save all the triggers read from the beginning of the line.
Enables / disables the quick move mode ( speedwalking mode ).
Fast moving is the ability of JMC to interpret multiple driving directions with a single command. If the command entered by the user contains only n, s, e, w, d, u, digits, it will be interpreted as a sequence of movements and transmitted to the server accordingly. Numbers indicate the number of repetitions immediately following the number of the direction.
A command will be sent to the server n; n; e; d; s; s; s; s
When the fast move mode is off, a command of this kind will be interpreted as a whole, without splitting into components.
ATTENTION!!! When enabled, you cannot use the “news” command. In order to read the news of the game, give it in the form of “News”.
Synonyms: #stick
, #lick
Line by line forwards the file to the mud in a special format.
#spit <filename> <format> <options>
open filename
and transfer each line by inserting its contents instead of %0
into format
. options
may contain:
- no empty lines will be catcheds
- silent. no message on finishExamples:
#spit {./texts/metallica/unforgiven.txt} {music} #spit {./etc/player/player.lst} {pload %0;cast disi %0;punload %0}
See: #spit
#substitute {участок текста} {текст}
This command replaces the specified part of the text in any line coming from the MUD server with the specified text.
NB! JMC performs all text replacements before checking for a match from a server on a line to a trigger. Therefore, you can customize your trigger on the text, which is obtained after replacing the original lines.
#substitute {ранил вас} {РАНИЛ ВАС}
Now, instead of the line “Vasya hurt you badly,” you will receive the string “Vasya hurt you hard.”
#substitute {^%0 ранил вас} {ОН РАНИЛ ВАС!}
Now the lines will change as follows:
“Vasya wounded you” - “HE HAS WRONK YOU!”
“A guard has seriously hurt you” - “HE WRENED YOU!”
See also: #antisubstitute , #unsubstitute , #presub , #togglesubs , #multisubstitute
#systemexec <cmd>
the execute cmd
and output the redirect flow to JMC main window
lists all the Processes Executed with Their PIDS #tskill {<pID>|all|last}
#terminate {<pID>|all|last}
kills specified ', for last process or all the Processes
Three commands have been added ( #systemexec , #ps and #terminate ):
#systemexec <командная_строка>
starts the process specified in the command-line parameter and displays the output of the program directly in the toad window. In general, similar to the / system command in MMC.
displays a list of running processes that have not yet completed their work. The pid numbers can be used in the following command.
#terminate <pid>|all|last
terminates running active processes. If the correct pid is specified in the parameter, then the process with this pid will be stopped, if you specify “all”, then all processes will be stopped, and if “last” will be stopped, then only the last one called.
Instead, #ps
and #term
can be used #tslist
and #tskill
( #terminate
#tabadd <слово>
Adds the word to keywords (tabwords).
If you type part of the word and click Tab
- then the word auto-complete from the dictionary
See also: #tabdel
See: #systemexec
#textin {имя файла}
This command reads text from the specified file and sends it to the server without any processing. Useful for controlling the game or writing large messages.
The team shows the number of seconds remaining until the next tick (the end of the internal time interval of the game). The text issued by the command can be processed by triggers.
Zeros and also turns on / off the built-in tick counter.
#ticksize <число секунд>
Sets the duration of the tick in seconds. Most often in MUD servers the tick value is 60 seconds.
Resets the built-in tick count. The command is used to synchronize your counter and the game server counter. The size of the tick on the server is not constant, because some of the time may be lost when sending packets and other connection problems. Therefore, for accurate measurement, you must synchronize the JMC counter from time to time with the game server counter from time to time. This is easy to do by making a trigger using this command for any game event that appears only with a new tick (for example, the message that you are hungry, that the day / night has begun, etc.).
See #loop
Similar to #ignore - the command #togglesubs
enables / disables the processing of text replacements. Enabled by default.
See also: #substitute
#toupper <varname> <text>
sets varname as UPPER (text)
#tolower <varname> <text>
sets varname as LOWER (text)
#toupper <varname> <text>
sets varname as UPPER (text)
#tolower <varname> <text>
sets varname as LOWER (text)
#tray <hide|show>
Minimizes / maximizes the JMC window in the system tray
See #restorewindow , #hidewindow
See: #systemexec
See: #systemexec
#unaction {отрезок текста}
Removes the trigger that was hung on a given piece of text.
#unaction {crash into you}
Removes a trigger hung on the string “crash into you”
#unaction {*you*}
Removes all triggers hung on strings that include the word “you”.
See also: #action
#unalias {имя удалаемого алиаса}
This command removes the alias with the specified name.
#unalias {cc}
Removes an alias with the namecc
#unalias {c*}
Removes all aliases whose names begin with с
See also: #alias
#unantisub {строка удаляемой антизамены}
The command deletes the specified anti-replacement (s).
See also: #antisubstitute , #unaction
Removes the last entry from the current path buffer.
See also: #path , #mark , #map , #pathdir , #savepath , #return
#unsubs {строка удаляемой замены}
This command removes the replacement specified for the specified string.
See also: #substitute , #unaction
#unuse [<имя>]
Remove the name from the list of script files. If you omit the parameter, the list itself will be displayed.
See also: #use
#use <имя_файла>
Provides the ability to connect multiple files with scripts.
If you omit the parameter, the list itself will be displayed. The list is saved in the .set
profile file as a sequence of commands #use
By default, the very first commonlib.scr
files are loaded , the name of which coincides with the profile name ( settings/<profile>.scr
), if any.
In addition, there is a list of additional files that will be loaded during a reboot. There are two ways to change this list:
#use <имя_файла>
. The name is relative to the folder settings
. The command adds the name to the list of files that will be loaded when the scripts reload.See also: #unuse , #scriptlet
#variable {имя переменной} {значение}
This command creates a variable with the specified name and assigns it a specified value.
Variable value can be used to build triggers / aliases and other commands.
The variable name must begin with a letter. For later use, the pointer to the variable is a sign $
The variable can be used as part of any string or command.
There are built-in variables $YEAR, $MONTH, $DAY, $HOUR, $MINUTE, $SECOND
. They are most often global.
And also $INPUT
- the contents of the input line are always stored in this variable.
#variable food bread
A variable with a name is created food
and assigned a value bread
#variable container chest
A variable with a name is created container
and assigned a value chest
#action {are hungry} {get $food $container;eat $food}
When you get a server message that you feel hungry, you will automatically take the bread from the chest and eat it. If there is no bread, but there is a lot of meat, assign the food
corresponding value to the variable , and the auto saturation process will continue.
You can use variables in the #math and #if commands :
#variable hp 100 #action {HP:%1} {#variable hp %1 ; #if{$hp<50} { #showme TIME TO FLEE!}}
A variable is created hp
, the value 100 is assigned to it. Subsequently, the value of the variable is adjusted by a trigger and contains the number of available hit points. In this case, this number is checked, and if it is less than 50, a message is issued that it is time to run away.
See also: #unvariable , #math , #if
Turns on / off “verbatim” mode. In this mode, the string entered by the user is not processed in any way and is sent to the game server without any changes. Mode is used to control the game, create messages and other similar purposes.
#wait <время задержки>
#wt <время задержки>
Sets the delay for sending all commands to mad, set in deciseconds (1/10 of a second). TTcommands are not counted, direct output to MUD (for example jmc→send()
#wt 0
#wait cancel
#wt cancel
Turn off delay and clear the command queue
It works only for the first command, the rest are sent without delay. Seems to be a bug
See: #winamp
#wdock <окно> [disable]
Prohibits docking windows to the sides of the main window and other output windows.
it will be in free fly.
See: #daa
WINAMP - command for controlling WinAMP media player from JMC itself.
#winamp {command}
#wamp {command}
command can be on the following:
#wlog <окно> <файл> [append|overwrite|html]
Creates a separate log for the window.
See also: #log
#wname <окно> [название_окна]
Sets the new window name.
#woutput <окно> [цвет] <текст>
Displays colored text in the specified window (possible with ANSI, similarly to #status or #output ). Script analog:Jmc.woutput(wnd, text [, color]);
The window 0
is the usual output window in the old toad. Window numbers are from 1 to 10.
Also, the method Jmc.woutput()
can be used in scripts.
#wpos {окно} {x} {y}
Positioning the window. When the toad is restarted, the window (if not complete) will be in this particular place.
This is the only way to make the window hang in the right place all the time.
#wpos {wnd} {x} {y}
used for non-docked output windows After relaunch this window (if not hidden) will be set to the same place. window one at one point. are in screen coordinates system coordinates, not client
#wpos {wnd}
Shows window coordinates a must the BE AT
#wpos {wnd} reposition
positions window coordinates to the BE AT IT a must
#write {имя файла}
This command saves all currently defined macros, aliases, triggers, replacements, gags, anti-replacements, variables, and highlights to a file with the specified name.
See also: #read , #textin http
#wshow <окно> [toggle|show|hide]
Shows or hides the window. Short displayed, but not hidden, but only closed, the window is considered to be shown.
See: #wait
Closes the current connection. Used to break the connection to the game MUD server.
See also: #connect