Table of Contents

JMC Set 1

#message alias OFF
#message action OFF
#message subst OFF
#message variable OFF
#message uses OFF
#multiaction off
#multihighlight off
#presub on
#echo off
#ignore off
#speedwalk off
#togglesubs off
#verbat off
#colon leave
#comment #
#race format %0
#proxy {disable}
#secure {disable}
#codepage {iso-8859-1}
#telnet {debug} {off}
#oob {GMCP} {disable}
#oob {MSDP} {disable}
#oob {MSSP} {disable}
#broadcast {filterip} {on}
#broadcast {filterport} {on}
#broadcast {port} {8136}
#broadcast {disable}
#promptend {disable}
#alias {.a} {stand;cast 'armour';rest;wait} {default}
#alias {.c} {stand;buy ash;chant arrow} {default}
#alias {.d} {stand;cast 'create water';rest;wait} {default}
#alias {.e} {stand;cast 'create food';eat food;cast 'create food';eat food;rest;wait} {default}
#alias {.r} {rest;wait} {default}
#alias {.s} {stand;cast 'shield';rest;wait} {default}
#alias {/boots} {rem boots;gp boots;wear boots;pp boots} {default}
#alias {/cloak} {rem cloak;pp cloak;gp 2.cloak;wear cloak} {default}
#alias {/forest} {rem fur;pp fur;gp forest;wear forest} {default}
#alias {/fur} {rem cloak;pp cloak;gp fur;wear fur} {default}
#alias {/leather} {rem all.metal;wear shield;gp all.leather;wear all.leather;pp all.metal} {default}
#alias {/metal} {rem all.leather;gp all.metal;wear all.metal;pp all.leather} {default}
#alias {/pipe} {get pipe backpack;sheath;hold pipe;rest;smoke;stand;draw;put pipe backpack} {default}
#alias {/ring} {remove ring;put ring pouch;get 2.ring pouch;wear ring} {default}
#alias {/shield} {rem shield;gp shield;wear shield;pp shield} {default}
#alias {1} {#system mumetime.exe -l} {default}
#alias {2} {#speedwalk on;#script lowcase "$ftpkey";#speedwalk off} {default}
#alias {a1} {ass $friend1} {default}
#alias {a2} {ass $friend2} {default}
#alias {aa} {assist $buffer;assist $leader} {group}
#alias {afkon} {act *****    ----- AFK -----    *****} {default}
#alias {ag} {cha mo agg} {default}
#alias {agg} {cha mo agg} {default}
#alias {arm} {cast 'armour'} {default}
#alias {automerc} {#var {ok} {0};#if {$mercAutoGroup==0} {#showme Mercenary auto group ON.;#var {ok} {1};#var {mercAutoGroup} {1}};#if {$ok==0} {#showme Mercenary auto group OFF.;#var {mercAutoGroup} {0}}} {default}
#alias {baq} {buy arrow;put arrow quiver} {default}
#alias {bashoff} {#group disable bash } {default}
#alias {bashon} {#group enable  bash} {default}
#alias {bb} {bash $target} {default}
#alias {bc} {butcher %1.corpse} {default}
#alias {bd} {cast 'block door'} {default}
#alias {bf} {buy $food;put $food $container} {default}
#alias {bh} {cast 'burning hands'} {default}
#alias {bld} {cast 'block door' $door} {default}
#alias {ble} {cast 'bless'} {default}
#alias {bless} {cast 'bless'} {default}
#alias {bli} {#script blindAttemptAdd "%1"; cast 'blind' %1} {default}
#alias {blind} {#script blindShortcut "%1", "%2"} {default}
#alias {blinds} {#script blindTable} {default}
#alias {bnreveal} {reveal belt;wear belt;reveal dagger;wield dagger;reveal lantern;wear lantern belt;snuff lantern;#2 reveal cup;reveal knife;wear knife belt;reveal shield;wear shield;reveal blanket;wear blanket;get all;get all all.sack;drop sack;put all sack;reveal quiver;wear quiver;reveal bow;wear bow;#8 reveal arrow;put all.arrow in quiver;inventory} {default}
#alias {bob} {cast 'breath of briskness'} {default}
#alias {brd} {cast 'break door'} {default}
#alias {brief} {cha brief} {default}
#alias {bs} {backstab} {default}
#alias {bt} {bash $target} {default}
#alias {buffer} {#variable buffer %1} {group}
#alias {but} {butcher corpse} {default}
#alias {c} {call} {default}
#alias {ca} {cha mo agg} {default}
#alias {cad} {close $door;close $door2} {default}
#alias {carm} {cast 'armour' %1 } {default}
#alias {cbd} {cast 'block door' %1 } {default}
#alias {cbh} {cast 'burning hands' %1 } {default}
#alias {cbless} {cast 'bless' %1 } {default}
#alias {cblind} {cast 'blindness' %1 } {default}
#alias {cbob} {cast 'breath of briskness' %1 } {default}
#alias {cbreak} {cast 'break door' %1 } {default}
#alias {cc} {cast 'cure critic'} {default}
#alias {ccal} {cast 'call lightning' %1 } {default}
#alias {ccf} {cast 'create food' %1 } {default}
#alias {ccharm} {cast 'charm' %1 } {default}
#alias {cchill} {cast 'chill touch' %1 } {default}
#alias {ccl} {cast 'create light' %1 } {default}
#alias {ccs} {cast 'colour spray' %1 } {default}
#alias {ccurc} {cast 'cure critic' %1 } {default}
#alias {ccure} {cast 'cure light' %1 } {default}
#alias {ccurs} {cast 'cure serious' %1 } {default}
#alias {ccw} {cast {'control weather' %1 } {default}} {default}
#alias {cd} {close $door} {default}
#alias {cd2} {close $door2} {default}
#alias {cde} {cast 'detect evil' %1 } {default}
#alias {cdi} {cast 'detect invisibility' %1 } {default}
#alias {cdispel} {cast 'dispel evil' %1 } {default}
#alias {cdispm} {cast 'dispel magic' %1 } {default}
#alias {cdm} {cast 'detect magic' %1 } {default}
#alias {ce} {close exit} {default}
#alias {cench} {cast 'enchant' %1 } {default}
#alias {cf} {cast 'create food'} {default}
#alias {cfb} {cast 'fireball' %1 } {default}
#alias {cfp} {cast 'find the path' %1 } {default}
#alias {char} {#script ComChar "%0"} {default}
#alias {charm} {cast 'charm' %1 } {default}
#alias {chest} {open chest;exa chest} {default}
#alias {cid} {cast 'identify' %1 } {default}
#alias {clb} {cast 'lightning bolt' %1 } {default}
#alias {clear} {#script ComClear "%0"} {default}
#alias {cll} {cast 'cure light'} {default}
#alias {cllife} {cast 'locate life' %1 } {default}
#alias {clo} {close exit;close $door;close $door2} {default}
#alias {cloc} {cast 'locate' %1 } {default}
#alias {cma} {cha mood aggr} {default}
#alias {cmm} {cast 'magic missile' %1 } {default}
#alias {cmw} {cha mood wimpy} {default}
#alias {cn} {change mood normal} {default}
#alias {cnv} {cast 'night vision' %1 } {default}
#alias {container} {#var container %1} {default}
#alias {conv} {tell converter %0} {default}
#alias {cpoi} {cast 'poison' %1 } {default}
#alias {cquake} {cast 'earthquake' %1 } {default}
#alias {cremp} {cast 'remove poison' %1 } {default}
#alias {crll} {cast 'create light' lantern} {default}
#alias {cs} {cast 'cure serious'} {default}
#alias {cscry} {cast 'scry' %1 } {default}
#alias {csg} {cast 'shocking grasp' %1 } {default}
#alias {cshield} {cast 'shield' %1 } {default}
#alias {cshroud} {cast 'shroud' %1 } {default}
#alias {csleep} {cast 'sleep' %1 } {default}
#alias {cslife} {cast 'sense life' %1 } {default}
#alias {cstore} {cast 'store' %1 } {default}
#alias {cstr} {cast 'strength' %1 } {default}
#alias {ctp} {cast 'teleport' %1 } {default}
#alias {cw} {cha wimp 100;cha mo wimp} {default}
#alias {cw0} {cha wimpy 0} {default}
#alias {cw100} {cha wimpy 100} {default}
#alias {cw25} {cha wimpy 25} {default}
#alias {cw50} {cha wimpy 50} {default}
#alias {cwr} {cast 'watch room' %1 } {default}
#alias {dc} {drag %1.corpse} {default}
#alias {dism} {lead} {default}
#alias {dm} {lead} {default}
#alias {drain} {drai corpse $container} {default}
#alias {ds} {drink skin} {default}
#alias {dw} {drink water %1} {default}
#alias {ec} {exa corpse} {default}
#alias {ef} {eat mushroom} {default}
#alias {emg} {cha wimp 999;cast q 'teleport' $lastkey} {default}
#alias {end} {#log;#zap;#showme {green} {Thanks for playing!!!};timer} {default}
#alias {enpl} {open plank|e|close plank} {default}
#alias {eqq} {exa quiver} {default}
#alias {et} {exa $target} {default}
#alias {f1} {#variable friend1 %1} {default}
#alias {f2} {#variable friend2 %1} {default}
#alias {fb} {cast 'fireball'} {default}
#alias {fbt} {cast 'fireball' $target} {default}
#alias {ff} {cast 'create f';eat mushroom} {default}
#alias {fluf} {flush normally} {default}
#alias {fluq} {flush quickly} {default}
#alias {flut} {flush thoroughly} {default}
#alias {fn} {flush normally} {default}
#alias {food} {#var food %1} {default}
#alias {fq} {flush quickly} {default}
#alias {ft} {flush thoroughly} {default}
#alias {ftp} {cast 'find the path' %1} {default}
#alias {ftpgo} {#speedwalk on;#script lowcase "$ftpkey";#speedwalk off} {default}
#alias {ftpkey} {#var ftpkey %0} {default}
#alias {ftpl} {cast 'find the path' $lastkey} {default}
#alias {ftpvnk} {cast 'find the path' $vnk} {default}
#alias {g} {get all corpse} {default}
#alias {ga} {get all} {default}
#alias {gac} {get all %1.corpse} {default}
#alias {gc} {get all corpse} {default}
#alias {gcc} {get coins all.corpse} {default}
#alias {gg} {get all all.corpse} {default}
#alias {ggg} {rev lantern;rev belt;rev quiver;rev cup;rev arrow;rev arrow;rev arrow;rev arrow;rev arrow;rev arrow;rev dagger;rev knife;rev bow;put all.arrow quiver;wear belt;wear lantern belt;rev torch;rev shield;get all;put all.bread sack;wield dagger;wear shield;wear bow back} {default}
#alias {gsm} {give 10 silver mercenary} {default}
#alias {harm} {cast 'harm'} {default}
#alias {height200} {cha height 200} {init}
#alias {heightmax} {cha height 65535} {init}
#alias {hh} {score;hide normal} {default}
#alias {hm} {cast 'harm'} {default}
#alias {hn} {hide normally} {default}
#alias {hq} {hide quickly} {default}
#alias {ht} {hide Thoroughly} {default}
#alias {ii} {#showme {----------};#showme {Target=$target};#showme {Tracking=$tracking};#showme {Friend1=$friend1};#showme {Friend2=$friend2};#showme {Lastkey=$lastkey};#showme {Key1=$key1 ( $key1desc )};#showme {Key2=$key2 ( $key2desc )};#showme {Key3=$key3 ( $key3desc )};#showme {Door=$door};#showme {Leader=$leader};#showme {LastID=$lastid};#showme {ID1=$lastid1 ( $id1desc) };;#showme {ID2=$lastid2 ( $id2desc)};#showme {VNK=$vnk};#showme {FTPKey=$ftpkey};#showme {----------}} {default}
#alias {iii} {ii} {default}
#alias {iilk1} {#show $key1 ( $key1desc )} {default}
#alias {kb} {k *bear*} {default}
#alias {kd} {k *dwarf*} {default}
#alias {ke} {k *elf*} {default}
#alias {key} {#showme $lastkey;ii} {default}
#alias {key1} {#var key1 %1;#var key1desc %2} {default}
#alias {key2} {#var key2 %1;#var key2desc %2} {default}
#alias {key3} {#var key3 %1;#var key3desc %2} {default}
#alias {kh} {k *hobbit*} {default}
#alias {kit} {#script HerbalKit "%0"} {default}
#alias {kitty} {/kit $kitty} {default}
#alias {kk} {k $target} {default}
#alias {km} {k *man*} {default}
#alias {ko} {k *orc*} {default}
#alias {kt} {k $target} {default}
#alias {ktr} {k *troll*} {default}
#alias {lastkey} {#showme {$lastkey}} {default}
#alias {lb} {cast 'lightning bolt'} {default}
#alias {lbd} {cast 'lightning bolt' *dwarf*} {default}
#alias {lbe} {cast 'lightning bolt' *elf*} {default}
#alias {lbh} {cast 'lightning bolt' *hobbit*} {default}
#alias {lbm} {cast 'lightning bolt' *man*} {default}
#alias {lbo} {cast 'lightning bolt' *orc*} {default}
#alias {lbt} {cast 'lightning bolt' *troll*} {default}
#alias {ld} {lock $door} {default}
#alias {leader} {#variable leader %1} {group}
#alias {lid1} {#var lastid1 $lastid;#var id1desc %1} {default}
#alias {lid2} {#var lastid2 $lastid;#var id2desc %1} {default}
#alias {lk} {cast 'locate' $lastid} {default}
#alias {lk1} {#var key1 $lastkey;#var key1desc %1} {default}
#alias {lk2} {#var key2 $lastkey;#var key2desc %1} {default}
#alias {lk3} {#var key3 $lastkey;#var key3desc %1} {default}
#alias {ll} {light lantern;uncover ruby} {default}
#alias {loc} {cast 'locate' } {default}
#alias {localhost} {#connect localhost 4242;#variable {logf} {$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY.txt}{global};#log $logf append} {default}
#alias {loci} {cast 'locate' $lastid} {default}
#alias {loci1} {cast 'locate' $lastid} {default}
#alias {loci2} {cast 'locate' $lastid2} {default}
#alias {lockey} {#var lastid %1} {default}
#alias {lockey2} {#var lastid2 $lastid} {default}
#alias {log} {#script log "%1"} {default}
#alias {logstart} {#variable {logf} {$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY.txt}{global};#log $logf append} {default}
#alias {logstop} {#log} {default}
#alias {loi} {cast 'locate' $lastid} {default}
#alias {loi1} {cast 'locate' $lastid1} {default}
#alias {loi2} {cast 'locate' $lastid2} {default}
#alias {loot} {get sword all.corpse;get bow all.corpse;get shield all.corpse;get plate all.corpse;get coins all.corpse} {default}
#alias {lootall} {get coins all.corpse;get sword all.corpse;get bow all.corpse;get shield all.corpse;get plate all.corpse;give all.sword mine;give all.bow mine;give all.shield mine;give all.plate mine} {default}
#alias {lootpack} {give all.sword mine;give all.bow mine;give all.shield mine;give all.plate mine} {default}
#alias {lord} {dssswse;ope barrel;ddseesddess} {default}
#alias {lt} {label target} {default}
#alias {meat} {get $food $container;eat $food} {default}
#alias {mixing} {get vial backpack ; get leaves backpack ; get fur backpack ; get tail backpack ; put all bag ; mix bag} {default}
#alias {ml} {#script mount_loot "%1", "%2"} {default}
#alias {mm} {cast 'create food';eat mushroom} {default}
#alias {mume} {localhost} {default}
#alias {mume2} {#connect 4242} {default}
#alias {mumetime} {#system mumetime.exe} {default}
#alias {naroff} {#group disable nar} {default}
#alias {naron} {#group enable  nar} {default}
#alias {nn} {news next} {default}
#alias {norm} {cha moo nor} {default}
#alias {nti} {#script ClockShowTime 3,""} {default}
#alias {o} {open %1;open exit} {default}
#alias {od} {open $door} {default}
#alias {oe} {open exit} {default}
#alias {of} {order followers} {default}
#alias {ofa{order}} {default} {default}
#alias {offer} {offe;train all} {default}
#alias {oo} {unlock $door;open $door} {default}
#alias {oo2} {unlock $door2;open $door2} {default}
#alias {ooo} {unlock $door;open $door;unlock $door2;open $door2} {default}
#alias {ope} {open $1;open exit} {default}
#alias {pd} {pick $door} {default}
#alias {pipe} {get pipe all;wield pipe;rest;smoke pipe;stand;wield sword} {default}
#alias {port1} {cast 'portal' $key1} {default}
#alias {port2} {cast 'portal' $key2} {default}
#alias {port3} {cast 'portal' $key3} {default}
#alias {portal} {cast 'portal' %1 %2} {default}
#alias {portdest} {#echo $portdest} {default}
#alias {procent} {#script procenttoggle "%1"} {default}
#alias {pt} {#var spell teleport|#showme [SPELL: teleport]} {default}
#alias {pur} {pursue $target} {default}
#alias {purt} {pursue $tracking} {default}
#alias {pw} {pour water skin} {default}
#alias {pws} {pour water skin} {default}
#alias {qd} {quaff draught} {default}
#alias {qfb} {cast quick 'fireball'} {default}
#alias {qq} {cast 'earthquake'} {default}
#alias {qtell} {#variable qtell %1} {default}
#alias {r} {reveal quick} {default}
#alias {r1} {resc $friend1} {default}
#alias {r2} {resc $friend2} {default}
#alias {reca} {get azure all;recite scroll} {default}
#alias {recp} {get purple all;recite scroll} {default}
#alias {remp} {cast 'remove poison'} {default}
#alias {rep} {tell $reply %0} {default}
#alias {report} {comment status: 44/125 hps [35%], 129/129 mana [100%], 111/111 moves [100%].} {default}
#alias {rm} {remove} {default}
#alias {rn} {tell Zack} {default}
#alias {rr} {reveal normal} {default}
#alias {rrr} {reveal dagger|reveal knife|reveal bow|reveal quiver|reveal shield|reveal blanket|reveal lantern|reveal cup|reveal cup|reveal torch|reveal belt|reveal arrow} {default}
#alias {sanc} {cast 'sanctuary'} {default}
#alias {sar} {open sarcophagus;exa sarcophagus} {default}
#alias {scry1} {cast 'scry' $key1} {default}
#alias {scry2} {cast 'scry' $key2} {default}
#alias {scry3} {cast 'scry' $key3} {default}
#alias {scryl} {cast 'scry' $lastkey} {default}
#alias {setupchar} {alias ll light lantern;alias sl snuff lantern;alias dw drink water;alias ds drink &skin;alias pws pour water &skin;alias x exa;alias lp look in &backpack;alias gp get & in backpack;alias pp put & in backpack;alias ls look in &pouch;alias ps put & in pouch;alias gs get & in pouch;alias sq reveal quickly;alias fq flush quickly;alias / look in &corpse;alias . get all in &corpse;alias gac get all &chest;alias gc get all.& in all.corpse;alias pyre burn all.corpse;alias bc butcher &corpse;alias lm label & mount;alias re lead mount;alias rr ride mount;alias ld label & DEAD;alias kd kill DEAD;alias o open exit;alias c close exit;alias oe open exit;alias ce close exit;alias pe pick exit;alias ue unlock exit;alias le lock exit;alias gg get all.coins in all.corpse;alias ggg get all.coins;alias so say Open;alias agg cha moo agg;alias wim cha moo wim;alias nor cha ale nor;alias par cha ale par;alias p get all.arrow;alias [ get all.arrow all.corpse;alias ] put all.arrow &quiver;alias ; recover;alias sp cha SPELLCASTING &;alias wh whois;cha col all def;cha col weather cyan;cha col norm white;cha col enemy bold black;cha col status none;brief;prompt all;alias mr map room;alias wl weather local;alias lt listen tales} {default}
#alias {shi} {cshield} {default}
#alias {show} {#script ComShow("%0")} {default}
#alias {slt} {cast 'sleep' $target} {default}
#alias {sn} {sneak} {default}
#alias {spam} {cha spam} {default}
#alias {sr} {cha alert para;seek rivendell;cha alert norm} {default}
#alias {ssb} {#showme {magenta} {$wound$hunger$thirst}} {default}
#alias {sti} {#script ClockShowTime 1,""} {default}
#alias {stocharm} {cstore} {default}
#alias {stocs} {cstore} {default}
#alias {stofb} {cstore} {default}
#alias {stolb} {cstore} {default}
#alias {stollife} {cstore} {default}
#alias {stoloc} {cstore} {default}
#alias {stoq} {cstore Earthquake} {default}
#alias {stoquake} {cstore quake} {default}
#alias {stotp} {cstore} {default}
#alias {t2} {tell $friend2} {default}
#alias {targ} {#variable target %1} {default}
#alias {tg} {tell group %1} {default}
#alias {ti} {#script ClockShowTime 0,""} {default}
#alias {timer} {#script timerSet "%0"} {default}
#alias {tp1} {cast 'teleport' $key1} {default}
#alias {tp2} {cast 'teleport' $key2} {default}
#alias {tp3} {cast 'teleport' $key3} {default}
#alias {tpl} {cast 'teleport' $lastkey} {default}
#alias {trackon} {track} {autotrack}
#alias {trt} {track $target} {default}
#alias {trtt} {track $tracking;;#status 3 Tracking: %1} {default}
#alias {tt} {#var target %1;#status 1 %1} {default}
#alias {ttbear} {tt *bear*} {default}
#alias {ttdwarf} {tt *dwarf*} {default}
#alias {ttelf} {tt *elf*} {default}
#alias {tthobbit} {tt *hobbit*} {default}
#alias {tti} {#script ClockShowTime 2,"%1"} {default}
#alias {ttm} {ttt *man*} {default}
#alias {ttman} {tt *man*} {default}
#alias {tto} {tt *orc*} {default}
#alias {ttorc} {tt *orc*} {default}
#alias {ttt} {#var tracking %1} {default}
#alias {tttroll} {tt *troll*} {default}
#alias {ud} {unlock $door} {default}
#alias {unl} {unlock exit;unload $door} {default}
#alias {vd} {#var door %1;#status 4 %1} {default}
#alias {vd2} {#var door2 %1} {default}
#alias {vnk} {#showme $vnk} {default}
#alias {vw} {view warlord} {default}
#alias {w1} {wake $friend1} {default}
#alias {w2} {wake %friend2} {default}
#alias {war} {view warlord;view war;tell morgoth warlords} {default}
#alias {water} {cast 'create water'} {default}
#alias {wb} {wield bow} {default}
#alias {wiki} {#run} {default}
#alias {wikikb} {#run} {default}
#alias {wr1} {cast 'watch room' $key1} {default}
#alias {wr2} {cast 'watch room' $key2} {default}
#alias {wr3} {cast 'watch room' $key3} {default}
#alias {wrl} {cast 'watch room' $lastkey} {default}
#alias {x} {examine %0} {default}
#action TEXT {%1 tells you} {#var reply %1;#status 2 %1} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^You bleed from open wounds.} {#var wound Wounds|ssb} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^You see some tracks of %1 leading ----%2----} {#hotkey TAB %2} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^You smell some tracks of %1 leading %2} {#hotkey TAB %2} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {wakes you} {st} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^ZBLAM!} {st;ride} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {you should get on your feet first} {st} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {can't do this sitting} {st} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {/^A citizen mercenary \((.*)\) taps you on the shoulder.$/} {#script Beep; #alias {merc} {give 10 celeb %%0}; #if {$mercAutoGroup==1} {merc}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {#10 seconds till TIC} {look;who} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {#TICK} {5} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Nah... You feel too relaxed to do that.} {st} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {The gate seems to be closed.} {call open;open gate} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {The ferry has arrived at the quay and you can now board} {board ferry} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {The %1 closes quietly.} {$door %1;#showme CLOSING: %1} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {There is some pipe-weed here.} {get weed;put weed sack} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {{(%w) ~(Head of group~)} } {#var leader %1} {5} {group}
#action TEXT {You are now a member of %1 's group.} {#var leader %1} {5} {group}
#action TEXT {You can't concentrate enough while resting.} {st} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You feel the magic aura of this place: key: '%1'} {#variable lastkey %1;#showme $lastkey} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {PANIC! You couldn't escape!} {flee} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {seems to have recovered * senses.} {bash} {5} {bash}
#action TEXT {topple over and lose your} {bash} {5} {bash}
#action TEXT {%1 seems to be closed.} {open %1;#var door %1} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {%1 is closed.} {open %1;#var door %1} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {By what name do you wish to be known? } {TYPE_IN_YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {dismounts from %0, and stops riding %1.} {lead} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {picks up %0 reins} {ride} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^You are now a member of %0's group.} {#var leader %0} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^You now follow %0.} {#var leader %0} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You now follow %1.} {#var leader %1} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {sprawling with a powerful bash} {assist $leader} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Welcome to the land of Middle Earth.} {#script XPInit;height200} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Reconnecting.} {#script XPInit} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {XPCOUNTER: %1 %2 %3 %4} {#script XPGetInfo %1,%2,%3,%4;#drop;#var XPCalc 0} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^You receive your share of experience.} {#if {$XPCalc=0} {info XPCOUNTER: %x %t %X %T;#var XPCalc 1}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^You feel more experienced.} {#if {$XPCalc=0} {info XPCOUNTER: %x %t %X %T;#var XPCalc 1}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {seems to have recovered %1 senses.} {bash} {5} {bash}
#action TEXT {/^(.+), the (\d{1,2})(st|nd|rd|th) of (.*), Year (\d{1,4}) of the (.+) Age.$/} {#script timeAction "", "", "%1", "%2", "%3", "%4", "%5"} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {/^(\d{1,2})(am|pm) on (.+), the (\d{1,2})(st|nd|rd|th) of (.*), Year (\d{1,4}) of the (.+) Age.$/} {#script timeAction "%0", "%1", "%2", "%3", "%5", "%6", "%7"} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {/^According to the (Dúnadan|Sindarin) calendar, it is:$/} {#showme Time on Arda is $timerTime. Dawn: $timeMonthDawn Dusk: $timeMonthDusk} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^You start glowing.} {timer Sanctuary} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^The white aura around your body fades.} {timer Sanctuary delete;#showme Sanctuary lasted $timerSanctuary} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^According to the Dúnadan calendar, it is:} {#showme Time on Arda is $timerTime} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {The current time is %1:%2 %3.} {#script ClockSet %1,%2,"%3"} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {/^Aye! You cannot concentrate any more.../} {#script blindAttemptRoll} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {/^Nothing seems to happen.$/} {#script blindAttemptRoll} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {/^Your victim is already blind.$/} {#script blindAttemptRoll} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {/^Nobody here by that name.$/} {#script blindAttemptRoll} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {/^Nah... You feel too relaxed to do that..$/} {#script blindAttemptRoll} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {/^In your dreams, or what?$/} {#script blindAttemptRoll} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^%1/%2 hits, %3/%4 mana, and %5/%6 moves.} {#script score "%1","%2","%3","%4","%5","%6"} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Very near key: '%1'} {#var vnk %1} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You start glowing.} {timer Sanctuary} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {--= SANC DOWN =--} {timer Sanctuary delete;#showme {Sanctuary lasted $timerSanctuary minutes}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {A blue transparent wall slowly appears around you.} {timer Armour} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Your magic armour is revitalised.} {timer Armour delete;timer Armour} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {--= ARMOUR DOWN =--} {timer Armour delete;#showme {Armour lasted $timerArmour minutes}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {--= SHIELD DOWN =--} {timer Shield delete;#showme {Shield lasted $timerShield minutes}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You feel protected.} {timer Shield} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Your protection is revitalised.} {timer Shield delete;timer Shield} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You begin to feel the light of Aman shine upon you.} {timer Bless} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You feel a renewed light shine upon you.} {timer Bless delete;timer Bless} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {--= BLESS DOWN =--} {timer Bless delete;#showme {Bless lasted $timerBless minutes}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {--= STRENGHT DOWN =--} {timer Strength delete;#showme {Strength lasted $timerStrength minutes}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You feel stronger.} {timer Strength} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {The duration of the strength spell has been improved.} {timer Strength delete;timer Strength} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You feel a renewed righteousness.} {timer Protection-From-Evil delete;timer Protection-From-Evil} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You have a righteous feeling!} {timer Protection-From-Evil} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You feel less righteous} {timer Protection-From-Evil delete;#showme {Protection-From-Evil lasted $timerProtection-From-Evil minutes}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You become sensitive of magical auras.} {timer Detect-Magic} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Your perception of magical auras wears off.} {timer Detect-Magic delete;#showme {Detect-Magic lasted $timerDetectMagic minutes}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Your awareness of magical auras is renewed.} {timer Detect-Magic delete;timer Detect-Magic} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You feel your awareness improve.} {timer Sense-Life} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Your awareness is refreshed.} {timer Sense-Life delete;timer Sense-Life} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You feel less aware of your surroundings.} {timer Sense-Life delete;#showme {Sense-Life lasted $timerSense-Life minutes}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You are surrounded by a misty shroud.} {timer Shroud} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Your misty shroud is renewed.} {timer Shroud delete;timer Shroud} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {You feel yourself exposed.} {timer Shroud delete;#showme {Shroud lasted $timerShroud minutes}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {An energy begins to flow within your legs as your body becomes lighter.} {timer Bob} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {The energy in your legs is refreshed.} {timer Bob delete;timer Bob} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {--= BOB GONE =--} {timer Bob delete;#showme {Bob lasted $timerBob minutes}} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Your aura glows more intensely.} {timer Sanctuary delete;timer Sanctuary} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {*** Return: continue,} {height200} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Dark Dry Cave} {#var $door crack} {5} {autodoor}
#action TEXT {Its magical key is %1.} {#var lastid %1} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {. - %0:%1.} {vd %1} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {Account pass phrase:} {TYPE_IN_YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {^-> %1} {#var ftpkey %1;#showme HEJ} {5} {default}
#action TEXT {%1 narrates '} {Whois %1} {5} {nar}
#action TEXT {%1 prays} {$kitty %1} {5} {default}
#variable {$tracking} {warg}
#variable {It} {crack}
#variable {The} {crack crack}
#variable {XPCalc} {0}
#variable {container} {bladder}
#variable {crack} {crack}
#variable {crevices} {crack}
#variable {curhp} {171}
#variable {curmn} {66}
#variable {curmv} {106}
#variable {door} {DOOR1}
#variable {door2} {DOOR2}
#variable {food} {dried}
#variable {friend1} {FRIEND1}
#variable {friend2} {FRIEND2}
#variable {ftpkey} {SSSSSS}
#variable {ftpkey2} {FTPKEY}
#variable {id1desc} {fgc}
#variable {id2desc} {lantern}
#variable {key1} {avpodoarfi}
#variable {key1desc} {crevice}
#variable {key2} {aligheow}
#variable {key2desc} {roadtoshire}
#variable {key3} {adkelguaac}
#variable {key3desc} {none}
#variable {lastdir} {autotrack}
#variable {lastid} {udokchasta}
#variable {lastid1} {udokchasta}
#variable {lastid2} {enacrabez}
#variable {lastkey} {aligheow}
#variable {leader} {none}
#variable {maxhp} {171}
#variable {maxmn} {123}
#variable {maxmv} {106}
#variable {mercAutoGroup} {0}
#variable {mountainside} {crack}
#variable {qtell} {An elven trapper}
#variable {reply} {Barliman}
#variable {slide} {crack}
#variable {spell} {magic missile|#showme [SPELL: magic missile]}
#variable {target} {dwarf}
#variable {timerArmour} { 05:04}
#variable {timerBless} { 05:47}
#variable {timerBob} { 02:49}
#variable {timerSanctuary} { 04:18}
#variable {timerSession} { 32:09}
#variable {timerShield} { 10:06}
#variable {timerShroud} { 05:48}
#variable {timerStrength} { 20:32}
#variable {timerclear} { 01:07}
#variable {tracking} {none}
#variable {vnk} {oysurnacli}
#variable {wound} {Wounds|ssb}
#highlight {green} {#showme Thanks for playing!!!} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {(glowing)} {default}
#highlight {light red,b black} {(linkless)} {default}
#highlight {cyan,b charcoal} {-!-!-!- STARTS CASTING -!-!-!-} {default}
#highlight {white,b light red} {--= ARMOUR DOWN =--} {default}
#highlight {light red,b white} {--= RECOVERED FROM BASH =--} {default}
#highlight {white,b red} {--= SHIELD DOWN =--} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {>>>! BLINDED !<<<} {default}
#highlight {light cyan,b black} {A single loud drum roll signals the end of the attack on the guardian.} {default}
#highlight {light red,b black} {ACK!} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {Aha, you have found your victim!} {default}
#highlight {light magenta} {Awful} {default}
#highlight {magenta} {Bad} {default}
#highlight {light magenta} {Dying} {default}
#highlight {bold} {Exhausted} {default}
#highlight {bold} {Fainting} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {Hmm... you have lost the track.} {default}
#highlight {cyan,b black} {Near      key:} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b yellow} {SLEEPING} {default}
#highlight {bold} {Slow} {default}
#highlight {grey,b blue} {Someone has arrived} {default}
#highlight {light cyan,b cyan} {Thanks for playing!!!} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {The cruel light of the sun made you lose your concentration!} {default}
#highlight {light cyan,b black} {The loud booming of drums echoes through the tunnels.} {default}
#highlight {light red,b black} {Traces of fierce red tones form the aura of this place.} {default}
#highlight {light red,b black} {Traces of intense red tones form the aura of this place.} {default}
#highlight {light red,b black} {Traces of pale red tones form the aura of this place.} {default}
#highlight {light red,b black} {Traces of red tones form the aura of this place.} {default}
#highlight {light red,b black} {Traces of rich red tones form the aura of this place.} {default}
#highlight {light cyan,b black} {Very near key} {default}
#highlight {bold} {Weak} {default}
#highlight {magenta} {Wounded} {default}
#highlight {light cyan,b black} {You are too exhausted.} {default}
#highlight {red,b charcoal} {You are trapped} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {You blink and feel weaker under the cruel light of the sun} {default}
#highlight {light magenta,b black} {You cannot ride there.} {default}
#highlight {brown,b black} {You failed to control an enslaved shadow} {default}
#highlight {brown,b light red} {You feel a hidden presence.} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b green} {You feel less protected.} {default}
#highlight {light cyan,b black} {You feel so much better hiding in the shadows!} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {You have a sudden lapse of memory... Your spell backfired! You feel drained.} {default}
#highlight {light cyan,b black} {You need to climb to go there.} {default}
#highlight {light cyan,b black} {You need to swim to go there} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {You receive your share of experience.} {default}
#highlight {light cyan,b black} {Your awareness decreases.} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {Your spell backfired! You feel drained.} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {Your spell backfired! You feel your life draining away.} {default}
#highlight {light red,b black} {Your vision is troubled and you feel disoriented.} {default}
#highlight {light blue,b black} {[blue]} {default}
#highlight {white,b black} {^Alas, you cannot go that way...} {default}
#highlight {white,b charcoal} {arrived from the A B O V E} {default}
#highlight {white,b charcoal} {arrived from the B E L O W E} {default}
#highlight {white,b charcoal} {arrived from the E A S T} {default}
#highlight {white,b charcoal} {arrived from the N O R T H} {default}
#highlight {white,b charcoal} {arrived from the S O U T H} {default}
#highlight {white,b charcoal} {arrived from the W E S T} {default}
#highlight {light cyan,b black} {blurs for a while.} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {citizen-mercenary} {default}
#highlight {light red,b black} {didn't follow you, you lost him.} {default}
#highlight {cyan,b black} {fighting} {default}
#highlight {light blue,b black} {it glows blue} {default}
#highlight {bold} {leaves <<<   W E S T   <<<} {default}
#highlight {bold} {leaves >>  D O W N  <<} {default}
#highlight {bold} {leaves >>  U P  <<} {default}
#highlight {bold} {leaves >>>   E A S T   >>>} {default}
#highlight {bold} {leaves VVV   S O U T H   VVV} {default}
#highlight {bold} {leaves |||   N O R T H   |||} {default}
#highlight {red,b white} {recovered} {default}
#highlight {red,b white} {sends you sprawling} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {shining breastplate} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {shining pair of greaves} {default}
#highlight {yellow,b black} {shining pair of vambraces} {default}
#substitute {#TICK} {.}
#substitute {%1/%2 hits, %3/%4 mana, and %5/%6 moves.} {%1/%2 hits, %3/%4 mana, and %5/%6 moves.}
#substitute {'abrawajf'} {--- ARMOUR ---}
#substitute {'bfzahp ay bfugtizgg'} {--- BREATH OF BRISKNESS ---}
#substitute {'bfzat eaaf'} {--- BREAK DOOR ---}
#substitute {'braqt eaaf'} {--- BLOCK DOOR ---}
#substitute {'canduswazz saugai'} {--- REMOVE POISON ---}
#substitute {'diesilla barh'} {--- LIGHTNING BOLT ---}
#substitute {'eugszr waouq'} {--- DISPEL MAGIC ---}
#substitute {'eugszr zzur'} {--- DISPEL EVIL --- }
#substitute {'fido'} {--- BLESS ---}
#substitute {'gaiqhjabral'} {--- SANCTUARY ---}
#substitute {'ghafz'} {--- STORE ---}
#substitute {'ghcandusiohp'} {--- STRENGTH ---}
#substitute {'gjwwai'} {--- SUMMON ---}
#substitute {'gpuzre'} {--- SHIELD ---}
#substitute {'grzzs'} {--- SLEEP ---}
#substitute {'gunsogz ruyz'} {--- SENSE LIFE ---}
#substitute {'gurunsoqz'} {--- SILENCE ---}
#substitute {'hgruigyzf'} {--- TRANSFER ---}
#substitute {'hiqahz ruyz'} {--- LOCATE LIFE ---}
#substitute {'hzrzsafh'} {--- TELEPORT ---}
#substitute {'judicandus dies'} {--- CURE LIGHT ---}
#substitute {'judicandus eugzagz'} {--- CURE DISEASE ---}
#substitute {'judicandus gzfuajg'} {--- CURE SERIOUS ---}
#substitute {'judicandus noselacri'} {--- CURE BLINDNESS ---}
#substitute {'judicandus qfuhuq'} {--- CURE CRITICAL ---}
#substitute {'judifgz'} {--- CURSE ---}
#substitute {'noselacri'} {--- BLINDNESS ---}
#substitute {'oculoinfra uizuguburuhl'} {--- DETECT INVISIBLE ---}
#substitute {'oculoinfra waouq'} {--- DETECT MAGIC ---}
#substitute {'pabraw'} {--- HARM ---}
#substitute {'pzar'} {--- HEAL ---}
#substitute {'qahijf gsfal'} {--- COLOUR SPRAY ---}
#substitute {'qaihfar xzahpzf'} {--- CONTROL WEATHER ---}
#substitute {'qarr diesilla'} {--- CALL LIGHTNING ---}
#substitute {'qfzahz dies'} {--- CREATE LIGHT ---}
#substitute {'qfzahz xahzf'} {--- CREATE WATER ---}
#substitute {'qfzahz yaae'} {--- CREATE FOOD ---}
#substitute {'qpurr hajqp'} {--- CHILL TOUCH ---}
#substitute {'safhar'} {--- PORTAL ---}
#substitute {'sfahzqhuai yfaw zzur'} {--- PROTECTION FROM EVIL ---}
#substitute {'unsoqpaih'} {--- ENCHANT ---}
#substitute {'uoculoihuyl'} {--- IDENTIFY ---}
#substitute {'waouq wuggurz'} {--- MAGIC MISSILE ---}
#substitute {'xafe ay candusqarr'} {--- WORD OF RECALL ---}
#substitute {'yufzbarr'} {--- FIREBALL ---}
#substitute {- armour} {- armour [$timerArmour ]}
#substitute {- shield} {- shield [$timerShield ]}
#substitute {- shroud} {- shroud [$timerShroud ]}
#substitute {- strength} {- STRENGTH}
#substitute {A blooming water-lily floats on the surface of the water.} {A blooming water-lily floats on the surface of the water. --waterlily--}
#substitute {A couple of lockpicks have a small bump near the tip.} {A couple of lockpicks have a small bump near the tip. -MA-}
#substitute {A dark green, foul-smelling shrub grows to about a foot in height.} {A dark green, foul-smelling shrub grows to about a foot in height. --baneberries inside--}
#substitute {A dirty root, with stringy limbs like a man, lies here.} {A dirty root, with stringy limbs like a man, lies here. --gingseng--}
#substitute {A finely shaped lockpick has been engraved with a white hand.} {A finely shaped lockpick has been engraved with a white hand. -Saruman-}
#substitute {A large shrub covered with dark violet berries grow here.} {A large shrub covered with dark violet berries grow here. --belladonna--}
#substitute {A low, many-branched shrub covers the ground here.} {A low, many-branched shrub covers the ground here. --thyme--}
#substitute {A man's-waist high evergreen shrub grows here, with bright green branches.} {A man's-waist high evergreen shrub grows here, with bright green branches. --coriander--}
#substitute {A short evergreen plant, with slightly bluish needles, grows here.} {A short evergreen plant, with slightly bluish needles, grows here. --juniper--}
#substitute {A shrub with maple-like leaves is growing here.} {A shrub with maple-like leaves is growing here. --blackcurrant inside--}
#substitute {A slender plant grows here, with clusters of tiny pink flowers atop its stem.} {A slender plant grows here, with clusters of tiny pink flowers atop its stem. --milkweed--}
#substitute {A small evergreen plant grows here, its woody stems reaching two feet.} {A small evergreen plant grows here, its woody stems reaching two feet. --tarragon--}
#substitute {A small flower grows here, with a purple bloom and wide leaves.} {A small flower grows here, with a purple bloom and wide leaves. --cardamon--}
#substitute {A small plant grows here, with long, pointed leaves and flowers at its top.} {A small plant grows here, with long, pointed leaves and flowers at its top. --athelas--}
#substitute {A tall plant grows here, with grey-green leaves and grey flowers.} {A tall plant grows here, with grey-green leaves and grey flowers. --figwort--}
#substitute {A thin, hairy plant, with small, oval leaves, grows here.} {A thin, hairy plant, with small, oval leaves, grows here. --marjoram--}
#substitute {A waist-high evergreen shrub grows here, with thick, reaching branches.} {A waist-high evergreen shrub grows here, with thick, reaching branches. --sage--}
#substitute {A woody evergreen plant grows here, with many stems reaching upward.} {A woody evergreen plant grows here, with many stems reaching upward. --rosemary--}
#substitute {Afterlithe} {Afterlithe (5 am-9 pm)}
#substitute {Afteryule} {Afteryule (8 am-6 pm)}
#substitute {Astron} {Astron (7 am-7 pm)}
#substitute {Birithon} {Birithon [7pm-7am] (Late Autumn)}
#substitute {Blotmath} {Blotmath (7 am-8 pm)}
#substitute {Cerveth} {Cerveth [9pm-5am] (Early Summer)}
#substitute {Forelithe} {Forelithe (6 am-8 pm)}
#substitute {Foreyule} {Foreyule (7 am-7 pm)}
#substitute {Gwaeron} {Gwaeron [6pm-8am] (Late Winter)}
#substitute {Gwirith} {Gwirith [7pm-7am] (Early Spring)}
#substitute {Halimath} {Halimath (5 am-9 pm)}
#substitute {Hithui} {Hithui [8pm-7am] (Mid Autumn)}
#substitute {Ivanneth} {Ivanneth [9pm-5am] (Late Summer)}
#substitute {Lothron} {Lothron [8pm-7am] (Mid Spring)}
#substitute {Narbeleth} {Narbeleth [8pm-6am] (Early Autumn)}
#substitute {Narwain} {Narwain [6pm-8am] (Early Winter)}
#substitute {Ninui} {Ninui [5pm-9am] (Mid Winter)}
#substitute {Norui} {Norui [8pm-6am] (Late Spring)}
#substitute {Oops, you were seen!} {!!!! YOU WERE SEEN !!!!}
#substitute {Prickly, white-stemmed plants, with blue flower heads grow in abundance.} {Prickly, white-stemmed plants, with blue flower heads grow in abundance. --thistle--}
#substitute {Rethe} {Rethe (8 am-6 pm)}
#substitute {Several of the picks have long, smooth grooves along their length.} {Several of the picks have long, smooth grooves along their length. -Half-elven cut-throat-}
#substitute {Solmath} {Solmath (9 am-5 pm)}
#substitute {Some orange-red blossoms grow amid grey-green foliage.} {Some orange-red blossoms grow amid grey-green foliage. --poppy--}
#substitute {Some small cloves are lying here.} {Some small cloves are lying here. --cloves--}
#substitute {The edges of most picks have been carefully sharpened.} {The edges of most picks have been carefully sharpened. -Angdil-}
#substitute {The light of Aman fades away from you.} {--= BLESS DOWN =--}
#substitute {The lockpicks are extremely well tempered.} {The lockpicks are extremely well tempered. -Dwarven Locksmith-}
#substitute {The lockpicks feel oddly light in your hand.} {The lockpicks feel oddly light in your hand. -Grey Cloaked Man-}
#substitute {The venom enters your body!} {--- V E N O M ---}
#substitute {The white aura around your body fades.} {--= SANC DOWN =--}
#substitute {There is a strange lockpick, with a sharp protrusion on one side, in the set.} {There is a strange lockpick, with a sharp protrusion on one side, in the set. -Kraksh-}
#substitute {Thrimidge} {Thrimidge (7 am-8 pm)}
#substitute {Two of the lockpicks have shallow notches on them.} {Two of the lockpicks have shallow notches on them. -Assasin GM-}
#substitute {Wedmath} {Wedmath (4 am-10 pm)}
#substitute {Winterfilth} {Winterfilth (6 am-8 pm)}
#substitute {You feel less aware of your surroundings.} {--= SENSE LIFE DOWN =--}
#substitute {You feel less protected.} {--= ARMOUR DOWN =--}
#substitute {You feel weaker.} {--= STRENGHT DOWN =--}
#substitute {You gain a level!} {/-/-/   L E V E L   /-/-/}
#substitute {You suddenly feel a terrible headache!} {--- PSYLONIA ---}
#substitute {Your head stops stinging.} {--= RECOVERED FROM BASH =--}
#substitute {Your legs feel heavier.} {--= BOB GONE =--}
#substitute {Your magical shield wears off} {--= SHIELD DOWN =--}
#substitute {Your perception of magical auras wears off.} {--= DETECT MAGIC DOWN =--}
#substitute {Your victim is shocked by your hit!} {-= S H O C K E D =-}
#substitute {a City Key} {a City Key  (Tharbad gates, rentable)}
#substitute {a bent bone key} {a bent bone key  (stonedoor, silver bracer)}
#substitute {a big stonekey} {a big stonekey  (stonedoor, BBT)}
#substitute {a black and silver key} {a black and silver key  (slab, Old Wight)}
#substitute {a black bone key} {(door, Nagrorh)}
#substitute {a black key} {a black key  (portcullis, LB fort)}
#substitute {a black metal key} {a black metal key  (towerdoor, ABR tower)}
#substitute {a blood-stained key} {a blood-stained key  (rack, OOC)}
#substitute {a bloody key} {a bloody key  (door/gorydoor, Mezagor)}
#substitute {a blue steel-key} {a blue steel-key  (minedoor, Dunland mines)}
#substitute {a castle key} {a castle key  (irondoor, Malardils castle)}
#substitute {a copper key} {a copper key  (grate, pipeweed smugglers)}
#substitute {a crude metal key} {a crude metal key  (towerdoor, Brolg)}
#substitute {a decayed ironkey} {a decayed ironkey  (sconce, BW treasury)}
#substitute {a flowering plant} {a flowering plant --foxtail--}
#substitute {a foul-smelling root} {a foul-smelling root --crushed valerian--}
#substitute {a glass key} {a glass key  (flagstone, DK)}
#substitute {a granite key inlaid with wood} {a granite key inlaid with wood  (chest, Eregion 2 statues)}
#substitute {a great bone key} {a great bone key  (trapdoor, Balrog rings key)}
#substitute {a green iron key} {a green iron key  (prisondoor, NOC vellum place)}
#substitute {a green key} {a green key  (halldoor, Eregion)}
#substitute {a handful of blackcurrant berries} {a handful of blackcurrant berries --blackcurrant--}
#substitute {a handful of narrow leaves} {a handful of narrow leaves --crushed tarragon--}
#substitute {a heavy iron key} {a heavy iron key  (door, Drain Pipe)}
#substitute {a heavy steel key} {a heavy steel key  (stonedoor/rockface, OOC)}
#substitute {a hemlock plant} {a hemlock plant --hemlock--}
#substitute {a huge iron key} {a huge iron key  (steeldoor/leaddoor, Shaghosh)}
#substitute {a jade-encrusted key} {a jade-encrusted key  (archeddoor under hatch, Lorien)}
#substitute {a jewel-encrusted key} {a jewel-encrusted key  (jewelleddoor, Balrog rings key)}
#substitute {a large key} {a large key  (wall, Old Wight)}
#substitute {a man-like root} {a man-like root --crushed gingsen--}
#substitute {a metal key} {a metal key  (Oakendoor, Necro/door, Tharbad chief)}
#substitute {a mithril key} {a mithril key  (mithrildoor, Balrog rings key)}
#substitute {a pinch of pale-green, crushed leaves} {a pinch of pale-green, crushed leaves --crushed marjoram--}
#substitute {a polished copper key} {a polished copper key  (door + irondoor, DT)}
#substitute {a prickly plant with blue flower heads} {a prickly plant with blue flower heads --thistle--}
#substitute {a rusted key} {a rusted key  (Cryptdoor, Old Wight)}
#substitute {a shining key} {a shining key  (archeddoors, Muranog's treasury)}
#substitute {a shop key} {a shop key  (Tharbad shop key)}
#substitute {a short flower, with a purple bloom} {a short flower, with a purple bloom --cardamon--}
#substitute {a silvery key} {a silvery key  (door, GC room)}
#substitute {a skull key} {a skull key  (burialtrap, near Hillmen)}
#substitute {a slimy iron key} {a slimy iron key  (vaultdoor, Icedoor)}
#substitute {a slimy metal key} {a slimy metal key  (3 irondoors in Shaghosh area)}
#substitute {a small copper key} {a small copper key  (granite, Unqalome)}
#substitute {a small key carved from ebony} {a small key carved from ebony  (board + grating at Necro)}
#substitute {a small steel key} {a small steel key  (slab, Unqalome)}
#substitute {a small stone key} {a small stone key  (stonelatch, Bulag's treasury)}
#substitute {a sticky mass of stems, leaves and sap} {a sticky mass of stems, leaves and sap --crushed milkweed--}
#substitute {a tall, grey-green plant} {a tall, grey-green plant --figwort--}
#substitute {a tarnished metal key} {a tarnished metal keyd  (oors in VT)}
#substitute {a tinted brass key} {a tinted brass key  (door, gilded shield place)}
#substitute {a tiny bronze key} {a tiny bronze key  (marbledoor, Outcast)}
#substitute {a tiny stonekey} {a tiny stonekey  (stonedoor+prisondoor, Barbaras castle)}
#substitute {a tough green weed} {a tough green weed --goosegrass--}
#substitute {a twisted iron key} {a twisted iron key  (irondoor, BW entrance, rentable)}
#substitute {a very rusty key} {a very rusty key  (gate, nobleman east of tharbad)}
#substitute {a water lily} {a water lily --water-lily--}
#substitute {a woody, many-stemmed plant} {a woody, many-stemmed plant --rosemary--}
#substitute {a woody, stemmed plant} {a woody, stemmed plant --tarragon--}
#substitute {an ancient dwarven key} {an ancient dwarven key  (flagstone, circlet chest)}
#substitute {an ancient key} {an ancient key  (stoneslab, lww smugglers)}
#substitute {an ancient silver key} {an ancient silver key  (book, OiE)}
#substitute {an engraved stone key} {an engraved stone key  (irondoor to overseer)}
#substitute {an icy key} {an icy key  (all doors, Balrog treasury)}
#substitute {an intricate steel key} {an intricate steel key  (Umuk's chest)}
#substitute {an old bronze key} {an old bronze key (NOC)}
#substitute {an old iron key} {an old iron key  (rockdoor, GC)}
#substitute {an old key} {an old key  (chest, lord's treasury)}
#substitute {an old ornate key} {an old ornate key  (sarcophagus, Dunland vellum)}
#substitute {arrived from above} {arrived from the A B O V E}
#substitute {arrived from belowe} {arrived from the B E L O V E}
#substitute {arrived from the above} {arrived from the A B O V E}
#substitute {arrived from the belowe} {arrived from the B E L O W E}
#substitute {arrived from the east} {arrived from the E A S T}
#substitute {arrived from the north} {arrived from the N O R T H}
#substitute {arrived from the south} {arrived from the S O U T H}
#substitute {arrived from the west} {arrived from the W E S T}
#substitute {begins some strange incantations...} {-!-!-!- STARTS CASTING -!-!-!-}
#substitute {blinded!} {>>>! BLINDED !<<<}
#substitute {cluster of hard, round, black berries} {cluster of hard, round, black berries --juniper--}
#substitute {found} {FOUND}
#substitute {found you out.} {!!! FOUNDS YOU !!!}
#substitute {incapacitated} {- INCAPACITATED -}
#substitute {leading %1, done less than} {leading ---- %1 ----, done less than}
#substitute {leaves down} {leaves >>   DOWN  <<}
#substitute {leaves east} {leaves >>>   EAST   >>>}
#substitute {leaves north} {leaves |||   NORTH   |||}
#substitute {leaves south} {leaves VVV   SOUTH   VVV}
#substitute {leaves up} {leaves >>  UP  <<}
#substitute {leaves west} {leaves <<<   WEST   <<<}
#substitute {opens} {- OPENS -}
#substitute {scouting} {-scouting-}
#substitute {several needlelike leaves} {several needlelike leaves --crushed rosemary--}
#substitute {sleeping} {SLEEPING}
#substitute {some blackberries} {some blackberries --blackberries--}
#substitute {some grey petals} {some grey petals --crushed figwort--}
#substitute {some grey-green leaves} {some grey-green leaves --sage--}
#substitute {some hollyberries} {some hollyberries --hollyberries--}
#substitute {some long, slender green leaves} {some long, slender green leaves --athelas--}
#substitute {some orange-red flowers} {some orange-red flowers --poppy--}
#substitute {some red petals} {some red petals --crushed red rose--}
#substitute {some scented crushed leaves} {some scented crushed leaves --crushed thyme--}
#substitute {some violet berries} {some violet berries --belladonna--}
#substitute {some white petals} {some white petals --crushed water-lily--}
#substitute {some white, egg-shaped berries} {some white, egg-shaped berries --baneberries--}
#hot {ESC} {panic} {default}
#hot {MUL} {bash $target} {default}
#hot {F2} {c q 'dispel evil' $target} {default}
#hot {F3} {#var target *man*} {default}
#hot {F4} {#var target *troll*} {default}
#hot {F5} {sneak} {default}
#hot {F8} {#con 23} {default}
#hot {F10} {rest;rem pweapon;get pipe all;hold pipe;smoke;wield pweapon;put pipe pack;st} {default}
#hot {NUM7} {Flee} {default}
#hot {NUM8} {n} {default}
#hot {NUM9} {u} {default}
#hot {MIN} {exam $target} {default}
#hot {NUM4} {w} {default}
#hot {NUM5} {look} {default}
#hot {NUM6} {e} {default}
#hot {ADD} {kill $target;a1} {default}
#hot {NUM1} {where} {default}
#hot {NUM2} {s} {default}
#hot {NUM3} {d} {default}
#hot {NUM0} {assist $leader;bash} {default}
#hot {F11} {get draught all;quaff draught} {default}
#hot {F12} {get scroll all;recite scroll} {default}
#hot {Ctrl+NUM8} {esc n} {default}
#hot {Ctrl+NUM9} {esc u} {default}
#hot {Ctrl+NUM4} {esc w} {default}
#hot {Ctrl+NUM6} {esc e} {default}
#hot {Ctrl+NUM2} {esc s} {default}
#hot {Ctrl+NUM3} {esc d} {default}
#hot {Alt+Q} {d} {default}
#hot {Alt+W} {n} {default}
#hot {Alt+E} {u} {default}
#hot {Alt+A} {w} {default}
#hot {Alt+S} {s} {default}
#hot {Alt+D} {e} {default}
#hot {DIV} {pur $target} {default}
#hot {Ctrl+DIV} {pur $tracking} {default}
#group local autodoor
#group local autotrack
#group local bash
#group local default
#group local group
#group local init
#group disable nar
#group local nar
#ticksize 120