Table of Contents

How to install TinTin++ on MacOS

The easiest way to install TinTin++ on Mac OS X is by installing the Homebrew package manager first. After you've installed Homebrew you can use:

brew install tintin



in the terminal to launch TinTin++

Creating a start up script for WinTin++

When starting up WinTin++ it tries to read the file 'main.tin' by default, this feature will be used in the following walkthrough example:

If you want WinTin++ to automatically connect and login to your favorite mud ( upon startup create a PROGRAM START event, for example:

#event {PROGRAM START} {#session mume 4242}

This would make you connect to MUME. It sets the session name to 'mume'.

To save the event once again enter:

#write main.tin 

to save the changes.