
#alias {rr} {#send {get all.arrow all.corpse\nget all.arrow\nput all.arrow quiver}}
#alias {rq} {#send {reveal quick}}
#alias {rt} {#send {reveal thorough}}
#alias {sq} {#send {search quick}}
#alias {st} {#send {search thorough}}
#alias {bs.} {doTarget backstab}
#alias {j} {doTarget backstab}
#alias {c.} {doTarget consider}
#alias {e.} {doTarget examine}
#alias {s.} {doTarget shoot}
#alias {t.} {doTarget track}
#alias {w.} {doTarget where}
#alias {k.} {doTarget kill}
#alias {kk} {doTarget kill}
#alias {b.} {doTarget bash}
#alias {bb} {doTarget bash}
#alias {bf} {doTarget bash;#send flee}
#alias {kf} {doTarget kill;#send flee}
#alias {sf} {doTarget shoot;#send flee}
#alias {kb} {#send {kill *bear*}}
#alias {ke} {#send {kill *elf*}}
#alias {khe} {#send {kill *half-elf*}}
#alias {kd} {#send {kill *dwarf*}}
#alias {kh} {#send {kill *hobbit*}}
#alias {km} {#send {kill *man*}}
#alias {ko} {#send {kill *orc*}}
#alias {kt} {#send {kill *troll*}}
#alias {ttf} {#send {label t};tt t}
#alias {tta} {tt AGAIN}
#alias {ttc} {tt CLEAR}
#alias {ttt} {tt t}
#alias {ttb} {tt *bear*}
#alias {ttd} {tt *dwarf*}
#alias {tte} {tt *elf*}
#alias {tthe} {tt *half-elf*}
#alias {tth} {tt *hobbit*}
#alias {ttm} {tt *man*}
#alias {tto} {tt *orc*}
#alias {ttr} {tt *troll*}
#alias {doTarget} {
	#if {"%0" == ""} {#echo {No action given to do to target.}};
	#elseif {"$targeting" != ""} {#send {%0 $targeting}};
	#else {#echo {Target undefined.}}
#alias {tt} {
	#if {"%1" == "CLEAR"} {
		#var {targeting} {CLEAR};
		#echo {Target cleared.}
	#elseif {"%1" == "AGAIN"} {
		#if {"$targeting" != "CLEAR"} {
			#echo {Targeting $targeting again!};
			#send {label $targeting t}
		#else {
			#echo {Target is undefined! Can not target again.}
	#elseif {"%1" == "t"} {
		#echo {Target now t!};
		#var {targeting} {t}
	#elseif {"%1" != ""} {
		#echo {Target now %1.};
		#send {label %1 t};
		#var {targeting} {%1}
	#elseif {"$targeting" != "CLEAR"} {#echo {Targeting ${targeting}!}};
	#else {#echo {Target undefined.}}
#var {targeting} {CLEAR}