Herb | Used in | Description |
Athelas | Antidote | A small plant grows here, with long, pointed leaves and flowers at its top (35/900) |
Baneberries | Drake-slumber | A dark green, foul-smelling shrub grows to about a foot in height |
Belladonna | Belladonna | A large shrub covered with dark violet berries grow here |
Blackberries | Antidote | A large thorny branched shrub is growing here |
Blackcurrant | Soothing-Draught | A shrub with maple-like leaves is growing here |
Bluebells | Herblore | A dense carpet of blue flowers dip their heads in the breeze (10/1, nosell) |
Blueberries | Herblore | A low shrub with bright green, oblong leaves is growing here |
Bulrushes | Herblore | Clusters of slender stems and tall leaves thrive in the mud and shallows (35/1, nosell) |
Buttercups | Herblore | Yellow flowers, with grey-green foliage, grow in clusters here (10/1, nosell) |
Cardamom | Orc-Balm | A small flower grows here, with a purple bloom and wide leaves (10/900) |
Cherries | Herblore | A large shrub grows here, its branches loosely spreading |
Cinnamon | Seeing | A bag of cinnamon lies here (5/1275) |
Cinnamon | Shadows | A bag of cinnamon lies here (5/1275) |
Clover | Travelling | A small patch of clover grows here (2/60) |
Clover | Walking | A small patch of clover grows here (2/60) |
Cloves | Walking | Some small cloves are lying here (2/500) |
Comfrey | Herblore | A sturdy plant grows to a height of almost a yard (200/3600) |
Conker | Herblore | A tall, stately, dome-topped tree grows here |
Coriander | Herblore | A man's-waist high evergreen shrub grows here, with bright green branches (1000/1000) |
Daisy-chain | Herblore | A band of small flowers is lying here (10/20) |
Elanor | Herblore | Delicate golden blooms adorn the ground like a cascade of stars (10/1, nosell) |
Elderberries | Herblore | A tall shrub with strong-smelling foliage is growing here. |
Ferns | Herblore | A cluster of dark green, feathery fronds flourishes in the shade (15/1, nosell) |
Figwort | Antidote | A tall plant grows here, with grey-green leaves and grey flowers (250/1750) |
Foxglove | Herblore | A slender plant, with white flowers at the top, grows here (150/1800) |
Foxtail | Herblore | A bushy plant grows here, with tall clusters of yellow flowers (230/4000) |
Ginseng | Travelling | A slender plant grows here, a single cluster of flowers atop its narrow stem (75/6000) |
Gooseberry preserve | Herblore | some sticky gooseberry preserve (50/10) |
Goosegrass | Herblore | A small and tough weed grows here (75/150) |
Grapes | Herblore | Some plump of juicy grapes are growing here (50/6) |
Green mushroom | Psylonia | A small, sickly green mushroom grows here (20/2000) |
Heather | Herblore | A reddish-brown shrub with purplish-pink flowers grows here. |
Hemlock | Drake-slumber | A tall plant with a perfectly smooth stem gracefully marks the landscape (20/1000) |
Hemlock | Hemlock | A tall plant with a perfectly smooth stem gracefully marks the landscape (20/1000) |
Hollyberries | Herblore | A bright green holly bush is growing here |
Honey | Soothing-Draught | Honey |
Honeysuckle | Herblore | A large shrub grows here, filling the air with a heavy scent |
Inkberries | Hemlock | A holly bush with dark green leaves is growing here |
Inkberries | Psylonia | A holly bush with dark green leaves is growing here |
Ivory rose | Herblore | A beautiful, ivory coloured rose with a tint of crimson is blossoming here (2/15) |
Juniper | Clear-thought | A short evergreen plant, with slightly bluish needles, grows here |
Juniper | Walking | A short evergreen plant, with slightly bluish needles, grows here |
Lissuin | Herblore | A grouping of soft pink flowers radiates a sweet fragrance (10/1, nosell) |
Marjoram | Walking | A thin, hairy plant, with small, oval leaves, grows here (120/225) |
Mauve petals | Clear-thought | Some dried mauve petals can be found here (1/987) |
Milkweed | Drake-slumber | A slender plant grows here, with clusters of tiny pink flowers (180/2000) |
Mint | Herblore | A clean fragrance drifts up from a thick clump of leaves (30/50) |
Niphredil | Herblore | Several blooms of snow-white and palest green cover the ground (10/1, nosell) |
Orchid | Herblore | An orchid of light violet petals blossoms nearby (2/60) |
Paprika | Skillful-Oil | A small pile of pungent red powder lies here (7/1000) |
Phosporescent moss | Seeing | A patch of moss grows here on a wet, flat stone (15/500, nosell) |
Poppy | Drake-slumber | Some orange-red blossoms grow amid grey-green foliage (10/4000) (some orange-red flowers) |
Red mushroom | Belladonna | A bright red mushroom is growing here (20/250) |
Red mushroom | Drake-slumber | A bright red mushroom is growing here (20/250) |
Red mushroom | Psylonia | A bright red mushroom is growing here (20/250) |
Red rose | Skillful-Oil | A detached red rose is lying here (2/50, nosell) |
Rosemary | Seeing | A woody evergreen plant grows here, with many stems reaching upward (365/225) (a woody, many-stemmed plant) |
Rosemary | Shadows | A woody evergreen plant grows here, with many stems reaching upward (365/225) (a woody, many-stemmed plant) |
Rosemary | Skillful-Oil | A woody evergreen plant grows here, with many stems reaching upward (365/225) (a woody, many-stemmed plant) |
Sage | Clear-thought | A waist-high evergreen shrub grows here, with thick, reaching branches (500/225) |
Sage | Orc-Balm | A waist-high evergreen shrub grows here, with thick, reaching branches (500/225) |
Sage | Soothing-Draught | A waist-high evergreen shrub grows here, with thick, reaching branches (500/225) |
Simbelmyne | Herblore | A cluster of white star-shaped forget-me-nots fluorish here in reminiscence (50/100, nosell) |
Strawberries | Herblore | Some delicious wild strawberries grow on the ground (20/10) |
Tarragon | Orkish Draught | A small evergreen plant grows here, its woody stems reaching two feet (20/450) (a woody, stemmed plant) |
Tarragon | Travelling | A small evergreen plant grows here, its woody stems reaching two feet (20/450) (a woody, stemmed plant) |
Thistles | Herblore | Prickly, white-stemned plants, with blue flower heads grow in abundance (10/1, nosell) |
Thyme | Clear-thought | A low, many-branched shrub covers the ground here (125/400) |
Thyme | Soothing-Draught | A low, many-branched shrub covers the ground here (125/400) |
Tincture of oil | Skillful-Oil | A small tincture of oil has been placed on the ground (185/1000) |
Valerian | Drake-slumber | A flowering plant grows here, its fern-like foliage dancing in the breeze (230/1200) |
Vanilla | Skillful-Oil | A long brown bean, emitting a pleasant scent, is here (2/2000) |
Water-lily | Antidote | A blooming water-lily floats on the surface of the water (10/150) |
Water-lily | Orc-Balm | A blooming water-lily floats on the surface of the water (10/150) |
Water-lily | Soothing-Draught | A blooming water-lily floats on the surface of the water (10/150) |
White rose | Herblore | A detached white rose is lying here (2/50, nosell) |
Some Comments
- As usual plants/bushes/shrubs doesn't have keywords, but leaves/flowers/petals have it.
- To crush plant/flower/etc type “wield <plant>” and “crush <plant>”.
- (35/900) means Weight 35, Cost 900
- Old hermit near Dark Tower will give you most of these descriptions as gift if you will spare his life.